Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — STILL VICTORIOUS. [ARTICLE]


JAPAN T0 THE FRONT terror in pekino. I The Chmtsc Dynasty Tottering On Its ThroneSbangliai. 8ept ‘i8. lbe Cbiarmy at Heijo ou tbe ala river. wbicb is oppo«ing the adv*nce of tbe mam Jap«nese array in C«rea, bas mutiuied. Tbe n are tbrowing aw.ty tbeir *rms becanse tbey bave no ammnnition. being cnt otf from their base of snpplies. Chiuese defenses have compIetely collapsed and are i.ow only a farce. Tbere is a panie in Pekin and lae very names of Japaue«e inspires terror everywbere. China j i» perfectly belplesa. London. September 28. A dispatcb from Y"okohama says; Tbe destiuation of tbe Japanese is kept secret. Tbe Japanese array in Corea is rapid|y advancing nortbward. No resistance to its progress is expected on tbis side of the Chinese frontier. Tbere is no rumor of an armistice. A despatcb from Shangbai d«ted Friday says: It is believed the Emperorconteinplates a change of advisors aml the ilismissil of all tho ■, iu«ndarins and other who bavo been concerned in theconduet of tbe war. Atf«irs at Pekin are tending towaids an imperial eoup del<it iuvolving the overthrow of Li Huug Chang and otber st«tes men. It is expected tbe Captain of tbe Cbinese warsbip Kwang Kui will be beheade\l for cowardice «nd for stranding bis vessel in an , atterapt to escape dnring tbe action otf the l’alu river. Tlie I ' evidence against him is strong Sbangb»i, Sept. Tt is re ■ ported- tbat tbe Emperor bas granted Li Hung Cb«ng’s iequest to be allowed to t«ke tbe field in person nnd tbat Li Hung Cbang will make bi« beadquarlers at Lu Tai uenr Kai Pung, the prosent beadqaarters of the provisional Comraander - in - Cbief of Cbib Li. lt is «Iso reported tbat tbe Chinese troop« evacuated Corea nnd are now massed «t Ciiiu Lies Cbaug. tbirty mile» wes(\vard o< I tbe Yalu river. It is «tated tbat tbe numerons desert on« from tbe Cbiuese army of late is heenuae' of the faulty cowdition of tl.e : arm« and ammnnitions snpplied ; t<> the trooj>«. Another junk th»t w«* aoiling through the north ehannel in j order to evade the guard boats i strnok a torpedo and was blown to pieeea. Several meu eeie drowned. London, Sept. 25. A dispatoh j from Shangbai s»vs: It is rum- I ored that most of the J«panese j men-of-war have left the islaud ( of Yantan Tbeir destinutiou is unknown, and tbere is great uneasiness bere regarding in- j j tontious. Cbinese agents in Europe and i tbe (.'nited i>tates bave been onlered to forthwitb purchase nny 1 wuisbips tbey eau. Mauy ve«- ; sels loaded witb munitiousof war are on tbeir way bere ftom Hami burg aud other Euroj>eau poru , Ou tbe weetern »bore of Corea : are new gathered nearl> 100sbips I |of|war of various uationalities. j Japau bas between 20 and 30. England 15, Fraoce 6. l'issia 8. tbe l nileil St«les 4 and Germanv 7, wbUehoyeriuga)iitIedistauce, tkoogh not easily foopd. tare betveen 30 and 40 Ohineae ve»sels. | Fortber edditionsfrora Rus$ia «re •xpected. London, Sept. 26! A disp«U>b j from Tokio s«ya tbe second Jap- l aneee armr for field serrioa mob- i »lized at Hiroeebina, «nd coo«ist-1 ing of 30,000 men, nnder the eommand of Field Manhal Connt of Oyam« embarked yesterday amid iatense enihaaiaem. Tbe ' emperor revie»ed the troope. |t | 1 ia reported v«guely Uut tbe | 1 squHdron ia boand for tbe Yello» 1 eea. 1 1 8hanghal. 8ept. 26. 6 p.m. Li j' Huug Cbang will shortly be gnp * erseded aa Viceroy of Ohi-li by j > Wa Tn Cbeng ex-Gorernor of 1 Ea-peh. Lord Li, ex-Chinese > Minūrt</ to Japan b&8 beeQ de- *

gr«iled. Ta Lo, the Mihtaiy G >vernor of Lnrkden, will sac-.■ ceed Li Haog Chmog as Soperin- • r Uodect of Trade. Foor iraperi*l Princes are watcb:ng evects in the EuipemP:* t>ebalf at Tien-tsin. A massacre of foreigaers at Pekin is r**garded as imminenlThe l(*g.tt«ons bave asked that | hlee jackets be landed to protect ! tfcem. The Japantse w«rships are acoating io tbe Gnlf of Peehil. Naral experts s«y tbat the Chi nese vessels will never appear on the scene