Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


:l Tl>cra v>i] a prirat»> d*nce f iLe bottl to r iigfct. 5 j I Tho Silver King totnoirov. Matine** porfornriMnco nest Sati '■ arday. •lennie Kammei de«ir»*s a pr,sj_ tio» as housekeep->r. Editor Hoogs of tho Pa*adi*s is sti!1 confiued to his bouse. lj A. Andrews has takeu cbarge uf hia office as »heriff of Mani. Kead Woven Wire Dailey's ‘■M3'Hterious T*le” in this issne. italy hbs sent the usual letters of recognition to the new government of Huwaii. A Iarge number tf [ieople A?sited the ditferent batbing resorts nt Waikiki y«sterday. e The concert to H. B. M. ConsuI Oeneral at li>e ilawniian Hotel by tiie Naiioual B,tnd. Tbe cases ou the banco ealendar of the Suproiue Court have been bcard and the Court has ad- • jonrned. W. Kinney, attorney for E. MeJnerny aud nli>is in a suit for diunage brought by W. M. Cuuninghan>. has raised a demnrrer A. P. Peterson appeurs for Can- j ningham. Mr. W. tf. Cornwell arrived in town yesterday in the steumer ! Claudine. I Prof Berger will not give his nsnal concert at Emma Square tonight. Ehlers «fc Co , are holding out i new inducements to tho sbopping beauties of Honolulu. Only ono voter io the 7th precin’t iof district 4 . Only oae! — The friends of Paul ls°nberg I bnd an excellent time at Waiahe 1 1 1 st S >turday. when he celebratod ' the anniversarv of his wedding | . ; Tho agents of the Citv of Pe- | king received advices last S>itnr- ; d*y that the steamer left two days ■ later than schedule time. She 1 will consequently not arrive here before Friday tl»is woek. 0 Road the chapter of the ‘‘hlue laws” in today’a issue and see how juries shoald be treated accord- ! i ing to missionaries ideas. There was a big row among ! the Portugutse labo£firs ou -^ r - A. Rosa’s ranch at Kalihi last eveuing. The poliee h.id to in- j terfere and a man named Pereira : was arrested on a charge of aa i sanltiog aoother Portuguaso. B )- ; oito. No serions hann was done. A great deal of tho G. N M iloox’s freight is being cast on the ; shore of Koolau ou this island, aud promptly ci>nfiscated by tho , people of the district, the syndi- ! I cate is making au efiort to secure , I its property.