Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

7hf 2Viamua €almdar. OCT. s, 1SH4. ei Oct 6 M 1«-. m “ 3| Moon. ••28 2S 30 31 I EW*EL< ns HORT. S«T4L-VMIU. H n M s HT.r-.Bth, Miy, Enqaimanlt, B_C. «rw'HAVT)iD:. 1 k Br wn. Kewnwlle, X S W. n },_ W H nimoni, Nil**n. S F. , A lia. f >»bel, S*n Knmeipeu. M Kellofg, Iviuikii, Oni/’* lī rl*jr. O •!. K Ai 't:alia, HotI«nttte, S F. la, j.k Ojkl-nd. Se*tt‘e. k*ri h;a vi»rLKExracTU. K'hr K->!-‘rt I>-wer« M Dne j> M gs t i:y • >f Fekjntr.Yokoh-mia. Oel 9 Bktov Pl.»nt«rr L«y«an Id Oct 5 \ - ii Al < •• C>>ok...Pt TownaendOct 12 u) i«- Ki kuat ...ī*l Townrond.Oct 20 \ l.k El.-ioi.rc NVwca*«Ie....Oct 10 j( K C*.lz.ir Fore-t.. .Newc«*lle Oct 2o B&rk llniilenheek.. Lirerpcx>l <>ct 20 Am »rhr I \ .i Enr**ka Oct 31 Ii&« 1 r, Mauna A'a..Newca«tle.. Kov 18 Ain - hr 1’ ritan ... .Newcai»tle... Xov 30 \ r*<hip <>Univor.. Kewca*tle...Nor “0 G>>rbk J’h:iI Iseuberg. .Bremen Doa* 10 Sl)ip H F • lade l.iverpool.... Jan 30 iroRi:i«> ntiL sEiivirc. Rteatnehii*e will leave for aiul arr ve jrom S.m Fr.«ncieco and other foreign port-, on or abont the following dates, i lill thc close of 1894. I tjt\ r I1onolclc Dcit at IIoxolcld fcR 8*s Fk*ncisco. Fm. 8ax Phancisoo ok Vahcocver. or Vancocvee. r«*kitiC Oot 9 Au»traba Oct. 6 Av.-tnUi« Oct. 13 Araw« <Jct. 24 Onnieia Oct. 18 Monowal ....Oct. 25 Hiowera Nov I AuHtralia Kov. 3 An-trulm ...Kov. 10China Kov 12 Manp sa Nov. 15 Alameila Nov. 22 Oeean e Nov 19 M owera Nov 24 Arxva Dec. 1 \n-tralia Doc. 1 Anatralia Dec. 8 Oi*eanic Dec 11 UoDi>vai Dec. 13 Mnriposa Dec. 20 Ui wera....Dec. 31 Arawa Dec. 24 Ohina . Di c 31 An»tralia... .Dec. 29 Tiie Paniheon 8aloon 5« the Jejiot l’or the celebr«ted Enter-priseB-er, where it ean nlwayf» be found e ol and fr«8h <>n tap. . We <io n< t de«l in ‘ FrederickBburg Bter" as the morning P«per—thr'ngli son;e mistake h«8 adverli?ed. Call ;it the Panthcon r*r rtfres hing drink. JIM D0I>I). Pn*prietor. * Talk about braying assos. The t wn is full of thcm. McBrayer’s vhiskey is only to be found at the Empire Saloon. And when it's fouiul it stays —and brays. * 1 !i Beqan »*f theEmpireSaloon lias made a new deal whieh will toucli the hearts, or at least Ihe palates of many a thirsty wanderer. He keeps •‘half-aud-half'’ on drang!it aml serves a most de licious and eool beverage. far superior to “plaiu” boer. so 17 tf J. J. Williame the well-known Artistic PhoU*grapher ia making a specialty of portraits on Watch Di'ls and 8ilk Haudkerchiefs. Conaplete sels of Lantern slides lectures eau be had at the gallery. Por lhey are sold at a roasonable hgtire by the dozen or by the hundred. * L. B. KERR’S ANNO U N C EM ENT! 1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGF. ASSORTMP.NT OF . FIXE SUlTiNGS, . •** • . . T ’ klegant. pattekns, AND LaTEST STYl15 • . Tb«c foods will bc 8okl ia-au.rQo*ntriy froa* a 100 Yabds Dowk to Enouoh - TO M \KE A BQ80TJy Sl*IT ! —AXD AT — H1ED nME 1 PEIPE8 i IL kCBH. - • ūiMn». ' 'Q«wiagawt.