Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Branch Establlshment. Thi» FirsM’l*»' Bathing h«g b*rn *nd : .t* now oo»*u i to lhf puhlie. Il i» Ihe \*+i plaee on the ipl»nd« lo enjny * B»th. *nd tbere ia no belter olaoe to iay ofl. Speci»l »fToramodation9 for Li - die«. Tr«.mc*ni pa«9 the d x»r every balf hour, and on S»turdaye and Sunday» every fifteen miuulea. lo\/eJoy &co, Wiqe \ 19 Nuuanu Street W'e would eall your ntlention to Our SjTcial Dranda Longlife <% Pure Cream ' RYE WHISKEY. jy24 C. J. SHERWOOD, Proprietor. j i Fredericksburg Beer^

in caske or bottle8 JUST ARRIVED, 15 5 B«BY - CARRIAGES ()F ALI. STYLES, IS THE LATFST rATTERXS. “.HOUSEHOLD SFVING MACHINES JiND SEWI.no Ali Wilh Ihe LatMt lmproTeinent>t"NF3 PAKLOK Ora:ans # Quitarri An<i Ofhet'Mniueal Instrnmenlr, \Vines, l.iquois, Beer ALWAY8 on haxd. axd FOK 8ALE BY

ED. aOFFSCHUEGER 4 C0 Kiaf{ 8t.. oppo. C*KtW> 4 Oooke'* THE COMMERCUL 3ALOON Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuuanu A- lionlania sts. Uonolnla, H. 1. The Uo«se in Towu. O. 3-*. S. a Specialitv. LOHKNOKIN LAGKR BEKR Alwtys onp)rtagbt. 2 GLA8SES KOE 25 CENTS. I Be*t of Wincs, Liquors,*r and Ci$ars, ALWAY8 OK HAKD.