Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BEDS of { WOVEN WIRE! I — The Luxury{ OF XIIK I9th Century I 6 - ■ — A MyBterions Tale. Did anybody ever heare how the hanana first was growu, ’Iow the milk pot in the cocoanut; when inanKO secd was sown; From wlienee the natives eame to people this fair land, And when they died, whcre they all went, the happy dusky land? i Xbese facts are a!l mysterions, and no soln- | tlon get, I And thcre’s other mysteries quitc as deep whieh are not fathomed yet: Who was it ran the opium rlng, got 5u thc Uquor free, How was it Customs men were blind, detectivi8 could'nt seo* .JK King of WhOke going to he the Tamm« this most piou» town, Who’ll start the Show, to whom shatt we «n plank the ••needfui" U»» u, Who will be Boss, and run tlie firm, who will the Buckiey be, , „ . To do it on the Kriseo pian of the Grcat Kepuhlie free? One thing we know that BAlLEY’is BEDS I are made of WOVEN WIKE, They give us eomfort, peaoe and rest, and are ’all that we desire; He makea no sho\v in polilie», but does the best he ean. . To please liis frlcnd», aml show tliat he s the WOVES WIKE MAN W0V£N WIRE BAILEY,\ Manufacturer Gf W0VEN WIRE Beds, Holel Street. Honolulu. (next 1 door t ) Horn’s Steam Bakery.J 1 S2ld by All RESpECtablB 1 D5ālers. ane 14-lm ¥AISTTED. r Aā Ho’.iSikeeper or nnrse by , exoerienced nurse just from tlie U.S. will leave the lsland t>nurse. Inqnire at Holosti a Ofeice. ■ oct8 3tsd i 3 ) ■ 8 t e t e d YIAYI RESED1ES. H'ILL CITBEConsumpt'on, Rhecm«ttsm, C«t«rrh. Croiixv. «K Skin d s **Bs. Eemale Comp)amts. «nd Plle» i i the worst form. Hopes are entertainod that it will enre Lenrosy. Thev »re Vpgr'*«ble Remedle« and oan be nw>d by the must delieate «nd the youn*est ehUd. Pr ces wUhln the reseh of . 8old tv )!n, C. Q. G*llow«]r, IM Klnz «treot, W«y Kloea. nu>lrr H»roionv (Tail. Auno’.ulu To Let «r Lense, A HOrSE on King »trcet, utxt to T. R. W«lkera pren>lses, cootainins par!or. dinning room. and three t«edroom», be»ides kilehen, bathroom, slabirs and «II modern eoneenienee*, latc!v ocrnpied by Mr. Dent»on. Artesian water l*id; rcnt moder»tc to rr*poosible p«rty. Addre« ABRAH AM FERNANDEZ. anz £t-Im MACH1NE MADE POI! FACTOBY, : : KALIHI. T*ro Pl*nte, Fresh Tops and R*w Taro at *U times. Ring Up Mulual īelephone 577. Bell 845. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 M*n»ger. C1TY DRAYAGE CO, St*nd: Qa?an *nd Fort Streets. Wbit« *nd B!ack Sartd. Dr*ying Done «t Re*s»nabl«R*tca. W. r. AUHEIī, Xum» W