Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ARRIVED P u AJst^aU/\." i French aml <cotch Ginghams {u**} I0c 2<)o. *;i l . Victori» L a vas (netr). 10 yds for Whit? Pr ss Goods (na»)- - 0 ** Wbito ani Coi«re<l Dimities [new] Llaunellotts. all colors, (new; 10yds for 75«, *2 5c., 20c.. Sōc . .‘20c. aai 2.*>c $1.00 old m*xim —"Tbere isnothing new umlor tU* snn knocke<l out. Cdl nnd be convinced. M. S. LEVY. Who is now ssttle<l in Bens"»n. Sraitb Co. 9] OKl SUnd, Fort Street

fkionaI Iwn Wop^ Qr£KX Stt.eet. Between Alakea «fc Riclianl Sts THE UXDERSIGXED are pwp«xe.! ‘o make rll kinds of Iron Brass. Bronze, Zinc, Tin and Lead Casting«. Also General Repair Shop for Steam Engines, Rice Mills, Corn Mills, Wat«r Wbeels, Wind Mills, etc. Maeliinee for the Cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oila, Beans, Kamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves & other Fibrous Plants, And Paper Stock Also Maehinea for Estracting Starch f; o» the Manioo, Arrow Root, etc. All Orders promptly atteude.l lo. WHITE, RITMAN CO. ViflQ-:-FAT-:-CHAN —; FUR!»nURE DēALERS, Beg to inform the puhlio that they have opcncd a Branch Store at No. 322, Nuuanu St., Where they carry a eomplele llne of BEDROOM 3ETS, C1IAIRS, TABLES, WARDROBES, STAND3, Etc„ Etc„ Etc. Furnlture Kepatred aml flen«-r»l at Kea»on»Me lt»te». A T ING FAT CHAN, Factory, corner of King and Bethel StreeU. sept 6-3ms Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Fruits and Groceries. Fresb Frmts by Ever)- Cu!ifornia Stearaer, Eresb Island Bntter from Hawaii. 135 Fort Street. Coffee Roasted. P 0. Box 169 Fresb Island Prodnce, Goods Delivered to Any Part of tbe City, ' jy 21 N0TICE. D. Howard Hitchcock has raopened bis classes in drawing and painting at bis Class-Room on flotel St. Class instrnctions given every Wednesday and Satnrday from 8 P. M. , to 12 p. M. Appliealion for the full terra sbould be made at onee, Iw CIIY.CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETHEL Sl. CAERIAGES, AT ALL HOURS. Both Telephonea No. 113. J. 8. ANDRADE, Manage r ; jnne 15-tf. THOS- LI]SI3BAY 20S Mercham Street Honoiuln, hew Store, new Jewelry Gold t Silver and Diamonds. Jewelry Manufacture to order. Watches c'eaued aud repaired; :u snd mgpect.^f JJHCK D. CORXEB OF Nuuanu »nd Beretania Slreels. 561 G00^ t B£LIABL£ anp H® 7 BBIV££S.

A V £ t c c KJ iTSATOSSUP Sometimes where to go to pcrchase any pnrticnlar arti?le. but not if yon happen to wmt tnvthing in the line of £ptists' gupplies, Picture pPainea or enlarged portraits, tliere i,but one plaee in Honolnln, to pnrchrt86 »11 ranterials, aud that's KIJsG I3KOS.’ Store, for wliieh there is no rival on the>e Islands. The finest pniutings in Hawhii, are on exbibition in this galleiy. The firm makea » specialtv o( enl»rging portraits as woll as making picture frames in the very latest styles of mouldings. In the shoet pictures, they have thnnsands to select froiu of whieh they invite au inspection at nuy time. KIjSTG BROS-, Hotcl Street, •: : : H nolalu ftug. 25-1 md'y. - A Complete Hunting Outfit. One lrsh S» , tter bitch of the best bIoi»d m Anierc»; reg -ter> J in the A. K. S. B. «od j»»rt!y broken. One Pointer bitch bv the eeiebratfd G!eiibe:gh that cest ?J0'*0 m England. Oue Pop five weeks o!d father aod mothe»* Iho^en^hhnee^^. One 3nckboard biiltespe‘’ially for banting purposes. One 12 g«nge L. C. Sm th gan as good oew »ud m fin<* erder. The above ootfit will be eo!d eheap Euqaire of W. H. CUNNINGHAM. Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf p(\diT PMkET, E T c -> Coraer Kio? and AUkea Strv«u. Camarīūo’s Hefriferators % ° By Evetr Sunnier frv«n Saa Fr»neiaeo, with Fresh Fruit, Oysfers, Salmon, PGuliry, &ro.J •’Eie.. jra, 2nj. ,