Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

September 1 < 1894 If we rensember carrectly the | “Cbarlestan” was Ihe brst of tlw* White ’ to vis«t Hono- t lula. Her arrival on her »econd i crnisc ia stdl in the minds of, ;%ojde who «erfl here on Janu.irj : 29, 1891. When with flags at j hilf-mflst and yards cock-bnill f she entered port with the bo<ly of King Eilakaaa, ihe k«nd attentior:S shown by the o£Bcers to i the King dorīng the voyage ( to the United States and the, al-1 ; most saored rainn?r in whieh the • bodv was gaarde<l whilebe:ng| borne the Is'aiuls, endeared the to tbe peonle of Hawaii. As nuieh as it was in the powpr of the people-, their api>reciation was shown to the officers dnring their stay and when sailed they left graven on t *blets of love and memory, evidences of their Aloha for llawa.i. Few, if any, of the officers who were here then are on the vessel now; sorae have reached the age of retireraent and others have gone to oth r vessels but the Charleston ia still greou in the heait of tho Hawaiians. Have yoa ever used a Pansy St >ve? We have been selling them for fonr or five years and to day they wear the “Yellow Coat” in tbe erapire of stoves. They are vecoguized by ev*ery oue, eveu dealers in othor sto.ves, as a superior article and one whieh they do not eare to rnn np against. Of course stoves may !be bought from people who are uot dealers. Wo have people running hero every day or two for fire bricks and parts belongiug to stoves they have bought frora other parties, and when tbey find they cannot get tbem ,jthey discard their stoves and buy a “Pansy.” You see there is a disadvantage in bnying dear things at low pnces. Corae io us and get a Pansy at ?15 00 and yon get full value for yonr money. Yon don’t get a 875.00 range for fifteen doll;fls, mind yo i, bat you get a first class 1 stove that is worth Thirty dollars *to any one Our Eeady Mited Paints are j suited to the wants of ueople who have a' little painting tbey want to do tbemselves. The advantage in buying a prepared paint is that you have the benefit of the best mixors in the United St ites withont having to pay for ! it. The paint is ready for nse ■ directly yon take the top off the ean and if yoo don’t find it eheap er and better than any you ean inix ycarself we are raistaken in ! our experience - In California the j i<ainhers are nsing the prepared j article in preference to buying j lead and oils bec«nse tbey find it to tbeir advantage to do so We believe it is only a question of time when the painters here will fali into lino. Uanging lamps are in as great demand now as ever. People seera to want something for ligbting pnrposes that will give as good light as the san —tbeyfind it in tbe lamps «e are giving aw«y. Onr ehe ip stand lāmps are an excellent thing for a servants room and wiil find a readv sale ■ » in the Island stores. We ean snpply any demand. for a single lamp or for a thousand. Tbere’s lots of Hawaiians wbose Knleanas need fencing and we have the wire with whieh to do it. We have also the material for bniiding a (enee that will last until iopg alter the milieninm. Instead ol paying a high prioa for posts. oreven getting tbem for tLe cntting. your t fence will cost you less ra -ney if • yoa bay steel staya aud washers »nd mnke a feoce. We have everytbing yoa want in tbe hardware :md boose furnishing gpod» line you wishAnd we coari icvestigation aa to their qnality and pricea. , \ naeaniu Mnn ,c«. ' 307 Fort&hMt '