Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — The Silver King. [ARTICLE]

The Silver King.

llie fir«; resl |cenic evei i lf.it, e*itv wiUi 'V ** pre»e:-ū. i:s < f < x iclncs. «i!l be wit; e -*d tot.igU »t Um 0|M*r» 11 »»nse. New S ui correc* ¥ !'ce.;ery bas b-en n»mlc nn.l p«ict ed f.-r «II the eittins 8erenil of whieh are \ery pretty. **SiIver g Kiug ’ is a eote ) Engl:sb melodr ma tbkt is l* icg p!«yed with prouonuccd *a.-e-ss at present r >Q Acierica aud siuuiug a ea reward. The actious laid in £ngiand is carrietl througb 5acts t «nd nnm,roQs soeues in «hieh tb,y ..re clearit s g the mvsf* rvcf a iunrder and r unit*g to narth a . n«,torions gacg f thievcs Ti»e~ piot ĪDToIveA :he WiL* and child reu of tne aee ised ujurdvrer an-i i tbeii p rsecctioD is pHthetic. Tue notor cty of the p eee will msure it a good !.f*ase.