Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 18, 9 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

•T|if Iwlnm.w (^alnuai. OCl - 9. 1394. S 0 II J . ••• i « •' * . V 9 10 11 M •• l ' J1 — 21 22 2? 24 25 *«J «9 M » L*-t ō r r . f Od 6 m n “ >« Fin«t i,'o«rt«, 19 20 "21 Xe* Moj8. 15 pon r. nwm H 15 M S !lT*«*Bri». M*y. B C. j»»JirH*VTxt3«. j:v ! rr.t *a. \ew**le. S 8W. * ., k WHl> i. rifl. N»lsoo. 8F. < . '.m r AW», ' »W. San moeiMo. v yf K, lo: h t rar > U rlwr. - S. Arstr»li*, Hond5ette, S F K „' !.< O.ikl n<l, Scalf«. r ,,lsl K.> VLtM:L> EXPE«TrD. s :i . .r: ..Lnv*,vn I«1 Dn* ]• ms S < i *t of (■«•Winjr.Yo1tolwm*. -Oct 9 • k-. !■ I‘> u.t'. r L...ys*u ld... <>Ct 5 -eh \l ro(''*>k.-■ •** Tovms«*n<10rt 1*2 -,k! Kl kiia» Pt Towni*-nd Oel 2fi Knmile Oet :o j . ,.iziir For> -• ..\owcaFtW* °ct 2« Ji,rt K u-nbeek..-Liwpool Oct 30 K , r 1 \.» Knrck* Oct 3l i» , '.. Mann* Ma. .N.-wea-lI >.. Nov 1S •, r P r;t*n .. .Ncwca*tli».. Nov .'<0 \ . 1, <>Iatiiv<>r.. \cwcastle...X'ot ."0 <»,rl.i r»nl Iseul(crj;.. Brenien Dcc 10 ,p H ( < !ad«- Liverpooi....Jan ;t0 f»ici;i<45 hul NiuvfCF. Ste< -lui- wiU U*r e fo ' i’" 1 « rr >« 1 lr, in San Pr meipeo ann ptucr fore>gn ? ,rt-. 1 n or »lont tlic follotdn}{ f lates, lill ti»e elope of 1S94. Ij; A v> H vxoi.exe Drv. at Hoj»olcu7 f •. S«v Fp.ANCt.sro. Fm. 8an PKANnaoo OL VaN 0r\ FR OR VANCOt7V*R. Feking Oot 9 An»trnlia Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Araw« Oct. 24 - v Bl( » Oct. 1S Monowul Oct. 25 u . N(,v 1 Austr*lia Kor. 3 \i t aln ...Xov. loehina .... X«v 12 Mani- -» Kov. 15 Al«med* Nov. 22 (V . iui N'«v 19 M «wit« N«v 24 Ar*wa Dec. 1 \ns»ralia Dee. 1 ,\r.str*lia Dec. S O.-ean e...... (>«•<• 11 M n » <i Dec. 13 Mnriposa Dec. 20 Mn,wrra Dec. 31 Anwa Dec. 24 ehinn Dec 31 Anstralia Dec. 2i< Tho I’aulheon Snlo»n ia the ,1 ■ ,ot lbr Uie celcbr.>fcd Enter- ] • •ii-cl3eer, whero it ctin always l»o ! foutvd eol aml frtsii <>n fap. Wo ,Io n t tleal in ‘ Fr< d«ricssburg i B<-er’’ as th>* mornir,g Paper—thr»ngh aou.e mial.-ke haa atlvcr- | lise<l. Cali xt the Panlhepn f r ficshbg drink. »11M DOL>D. l’r«prittor. * I.ilk about braying »sses. The twnis fu 11 of f honi MoBrnyer s vbiskoy is onty to be fouud at tbc Empire Saloou. And when 1 it's found it st ivs —and br«yH. * 1 I Pu lioqna of theEinpireSrtloon lias mndo a uew deal wliieh will touch tho hearts, or at least the 1 | alates of mau\’ a thirsty wander- t cr. Ho keops *‘hfllf-and-half ’ < on dranght nnd senē8 a most de l licious and eool bever«ge. far suporior to “plain” boor. se 17 (f 1 : ( J. ,T. Williams the well-knowu Artistio Photographer is m:iking « specialty <>f portraits on (\utch Di.ds nnd Silk Ha«dkerchiefs. ‘,'ouiplete scts of Lautern elides _ lec‘ures ean be had at the gallery. 1 For l.'iey aro sold at a reasonable figure bv the dozen or by the r huiulnnl. | f i L. B. KERR'S ; ANNOUNCEMENT! ' i ( 1 H.WE Jl'ST REC1IVED A L \RGE ASSOKTMENT OK . ( FINE Sl IT!NGS, ELEGANTĪ 1>.\TTEKNS, ANU LATEST SmS5 Tbe» good* wil) be *\Ad in *ny Qa**Uty from * 100 Yard6 Down to Enoi oh to Makf. a Srs«;i i/ Snr! —AN P AT— HiED TIME ‘ PH10E8 i L. B. KI KK. • • WWWEi,