Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BS9S of WOY€N WIRE! The Luxory OF THE I9th Centupy A TaleDK1 »nvbody ever h«kr bow tbe l-ac*na fir»t wi- £To»n, 'Iow ihe taUk jot in the c»coanBt; when aians*o secd *ii- sown; From the cativca eamo to pt*»ple thi» tair l»3nJ. Aad whon ther dicd, wher“ thev all went. the happj doskv Uad? Tbe*e facts *re v'i mjsterioos, and no so!ulioo *et, And thcre - » other mvsf«ries i)uitc a- deep whieh are not fatbomed jet: Who was it ran the opiom ring, «ot in lbe lKjaor free. Ilew was it Costoms men weie bllnd. detectiv<.» caald'nt seo? Who-m<roiii;r to be the Tammanv Kin»{ of t : %rno»t pion- lown, Who’ll -’art the Show, to whon shall we all pilank lbe '‘ncedfu!" down; Wiih will l>e Bo#s, »nd rnn tbe tirin, who will the Backley be, Tc do it on the Frisco pian of the <lrcat Kepuhlie frve? One thin- we know tbat BAILBY’S BEDS are made of WOVEN WIRE. Thev »rive as comfort, |>eaee and rest. and *re all that we desire; He ukes no pait in politics. bat does Ihe bvst he ean, To ple*se his friends. aivl show that he's thc WOVES WIKEMAN'! V/0VEN WIRE-BAILEY, Manufacturer 0f ♦ W0VEN W/RE Beds, Hot>.I Streel, llonoluln, (next »loor t > >!orn’s St“im I5tkery.) SDld q v jS.11 REsp5Ctable HlsaiEr5. aug 14-lm IUST ARRIVED,

% 3 Q J v B BY vCARRIAG£S 0F AIL STYLES, CWETS, y\u'Ui rcr IN TIIE LATEST PATTERNS. HOUSEHOLD SbWiNG MACHiNES LIaND SEWINQ MaCH1X23, 'if Ali With the Latest Iiiip-oTements ,^S3 PAKLOH Jrorans, Gnitarr, t, n I Other Mueioal Instruajent“, Wines, Liquois, Beer ALWAYS ON HAND, AND FOR SALE BY ED, H0FFSCHLAEGE8 L G0. Kiug 8t« oppo. Castie <t Oooke'a. S^LE! TFIE ENTIRF. STOCK OF Wenner$ Co. WILL BF. SOLD ' Regardless of Cosf. sept 6—tf YIAY1 EEMED1ES. WILL Cl BE Connmpt!on, Khwmallnn. ( ai«rrt, Ckwj>. al, i>ksa d Kemaie Cosnplaiau, »iid PS'e* ln ti»e w<wst lona. H:*pe» enterUused th»t i: wlll eure Leirr»T. Tbey »re Toset«Lle Rrmedie« »od cas hi; '"'' *nd !he yonn*e*t Pr ■» : .-.h :r. rhe tv >ea « -> 7 UI tv TSr« C- Klnx ntreel, W*y H>rtōQB y AlI, AaooUiIk» CARD OF NOTICE, Scharf & €•■>., bas removed to Arlingt*'n B!uck Holei Street wfaere they will be better abie to senre and p!ease lheir Psitrons. \Vi!l keep on band all the !atest iapers. B-ok Stali .ttery. PeK-ilieala 4 Novdtief, in all branc’ ea of the tride