Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

GONSALVES ARmjv on H»n.j , h; . f of tb* Vfrj la C*«s of*X. 4i. W, : s THW 80AP 13 TH?inest īaipona d Hon. 8FSC1AL PRU'Es> FOR , IX LoT> M ffi«.EV i nts Celebrated Brands of SCOTCH WIUSKEI Xamtly: BE\ ALDOCHLA,\, Ainsley’s OLD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,N10N Extra. Spe,:» 6LENLI0N SPEC1AL LIOLELK SCOTCH WhlSKEY ir» City - Carriage Mf’Q. Co. Biacksmith Shop

107 KING STREET D. I(. BE[fī, Mp|.Blacksmith Work am> Carrl332 R>p3irlrig PAINTING : AM) : TRIMM1 iūi In all its Branches, at Ked Rock Price3. Mutual Telephone 382 Give us a Cal! andji:dg for yoursclf. jv23 ADMI5ISTRATI0N’S >: TITE UNDERS(ONED bavinc t“' i dai T »ppointed Adminii>tr&tor of the Ute o' Peīelo Kakoi. (k) Utc o( llooo olu, ')»ii deceaeed. Notioc i-i h* rotjy piwn the deoeasod to prc#ent ti • sooared by or otb*'r».*e. anthend!cated and with the pr<>[.>-r von i<r*. if any exUt to the UDder“iirn d »:th i •* monih» from the date bereof or th> y wii' :• forerer barred; and all persons it. '■■■■■! '* thc said deceased are r» - qui“’ »■inuiie i* mediate payment at tbe OrT< •_• f J. SK*cux, Coraer of Oueen i: 1 Nuama StreeU, Up-etaln*. KAILI PE7EI.0 K \KOI Administrator of the E»tal> of Kakoi, (k) deeeaacd. Honolulu, S«pt 11, 1«W. : ; li-i» YEE CHAX, DEAr.SK IN Fiije Fine Tailoring Fine Chinese and Japaoese Handkerchiefs Noe. 31 to 33 Nuuanu -''l. H uo* lulu, P.O. Box 253. jy5 J. H. TRUSCHLEK, Hoot & Sh«>emaker. 130 Fort Sirtd.

Repairing, neatly IVne, sol® and heel witb pa<rs. Half sole and heel 36wing, $1 au7 Gust. A. Mauer, r* _ * HA WAllAN HOTEL BARB& Lad%e* Shampooiag a tpt°' MonoMu.