Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]


C0NSTITUTI0X and LAWS Franiod bv the Missionaries * - LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Whoever oontract8 adebt, he alone sh >11 be 15ab!e for the debt,amlhis propetty alone sh»ll forthe p»yment of it. And Iest thereshou!«l be mi«t iken opinionā to whit kin< 1 of property raay bo for the piyraent of «lebts. »t i« hereby clearly prjch«iraeil lhat lan«ls tnd fixe<i properly up>u them ein never be sdd at aoeiio i, neither em thcy be per manently tran«ferre<l. They oan n<»t even b? leas“d f>r y<-ars witbout the con«ent of ihe Kng atul Premier. Thi« kin<l of prop<<rty therefjre eau never bs aeiieil for deht for the liover:ujent ha? nover relinqnished its righl to tho aoil. But n everthelegs, if a nsan L:<vo n> pcrsonal e«tat**, the lan»l an-.l fixed property ai>on it m*y bs sold at auelion nn thia condi tion th it no perso > ean l>s the purchaser except a native !>o i cittzen; and the rigbt nf him «ho purcbafc< a in thia manii©r ahall b*‘ the s<me us ihe nght of other natives to their lamla And if any Oovernor, Jndge. tax offio rnr any nth r Oovernment agent, ombezzle the G>>v<rnmeut Prooerty, ■ r appro* I priato it sccretly to h s nvu usc, or whoover ahall rofas»' to pay it «>ver to the Treasnry Board, nho* ver sball du any of thpss things shall be panishcd as in caso of Theft. to l»e tri< .l and convicttd by a competent court. S> also in caso of ] oca!ation. erabezzlemenl or fraud in the Treasary Board or ia either of them. Hs or they »hall be iried as in easj of theft »ad on cooviction shall be liah’.e to the sime paaishment. This procla-uation having roco'ved the approb <ti<>n of t!ie NobItS and R?presentjtive-<, we h<ve hereonto sct oar namea this tentb d<y of M«y in th • y<* tr of >»ur L r<l one th>>n4an<l, eight hundred and f rty two at Lihaina, M <ui (Signed) KAMEHAM8HA III. KEKaULUOHl. eHAi'IEK XLIX. AN ACTFORTHE REOULATION 0F TAXKS DUTIES AND GOVEKnMENT PROPERTY. N»t evcn wi#<l »m ite “lf <a»n give prot ctioo t> a nat on withoot a reveuue Money is iu many ca»es tb? aaone ».< #trecgth and the nat!on, thevef >re. ba» encrgy in prop.>rlion to ita revenne. It ia a*so a well e#tablishcd pnneiple that thc peo- ■ ple ooght to a:d every objeet whieo i» for tbe benefit of the e >untry, «nd ik i# alao thc daty »f the rieh lo do mor« Ihan Ihe poor f>r they enjoy more. At the pres©nt Ime the G»vemment ia embarra»9e<l wiil » incre:i»e anle*s the revenu« b> increas>?d. In the coas;deration of theae thing» the foll *wing law is enact-d. 1 The L«w%#peel»ng ihe Land Tax for the year lS4l »ti!I rema : ns in f >rce f<r the corrent ye»r. Tae third »eot:on how«ver. {"»ond on tbe 63th pago is repeale<L Arr>w R>otwill I ’ be no h»nger received f.>rt xō<, f»rit U an |inprofiu r »le arliele.