Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 19, 10 October 1894 — A GROSS INJUSTICE. [ARTICLE]


The Sl>ii in ils Mon.l «y- i>-ae c »utaii:«i an outrage »n> e litori «1 beided “E:at«.-d Jaj>s I he in«nling l«nguage csed in tie aiiiele tow«rd> ih- J«paoese rndividualiv is not de«erving of anv , attention. but tbe brvgg»rt who writes for tbe St>ir make- a st«tement in «hieh he tries to plaee tbe Japanese in the ligbt of cowar«D. He s«ys that tbe J;:p- , anese ”bave lailen into tbe error

that it is tbe guns whieh win a battle an-I not t!;e mea bebiad tbem. ' * We don*t believe that tbe Star man kaows mneh about guns or for that mat er «bont men, bnt we do know tb «t tbcre isn’t a !>ravi.r. a m *re wariik»? and better figi»ting nalion th ; n tbe Jaj aucse Thst they, wheu they were raade acquaiuted witb modern war impfements ira uedi it-ly placed themselves in posse«sion of t!iem is cert.iiuly to their crejit. and it showsthat tbeywere uo fools iure coguiting agood thing whea they saw it. They ii »ve not alone got the guns but tbey certaialy have got tlie meu bebiud tbem. The

warlikespiritamoiig t|«e..Ianpauese of today bas not abated nne wbit 1 frora tbat of the days when tbey fought aud b!ed like beroes and ° furnislied their poets with ideal material for their glorious songs. Tbe Star does r.ot realize that Japan is not a small island like Hawaii. The Emperor bolds his sway over 40 miiliona of poople ; and evervone of tbem is a Jap- , aneso. How many *' Americans" ■ does Ea3]>eror Cleve)and rn!e over' How many Americans are •tbere iu the Ūuited States naw/

The Japanese are not aloae grsat warriors, bot tbey have proven themselves sbrewd stutesmen. lf tbey were not known to be both, tbe P«ussiaa Ēagle raight today be where tbe .Risiiig Snn is or the Rose of England ; havt> supplanted tbe Chrysanthemum. Tbo bravery aud ski!l displayed by tho Japanese «lurI ing the present warenlitle them | to the respect of all. Ever3' great power knowS .lapan well euougb to adopt it policy ivids ofT.’'