Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal & Co. BAVE MOVED TO Morgan's - Auct!on - Rooms , for . »hort 'Ve *r«tiU «llin» Departure Bay COAL , | CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA ami KIKDLING \VOOD in ut qo*r.tity. ‘ Botb Te»ephones 414 PCUXD MASTER’S XOTIGE. Notice is h. reby gircn to all pewon-i tl.*t thcre are at the Goretumrnt Pōond 9. S»5 j kiki. t»<> strayed bnlls. 1 Wtc< bn| bramW Ron right himl log. 1 ptaco ball bi*nd indiscrioab!e on 1«;. \nv p<reon or peKon» o*ing bnlis w t«< «-ome a»d t*k» the sam« on or befor® 12 o'eloek noen, SATl Ri>A i, 1SW ‘ JA«S KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki. Ang. 50. IS!H. aug.H>-lwdy Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABLISIIED 1>"T. A. M. MELLI8, Propriotor, 5IS Fort St., īlonolulu, (Upstairs) GooJ Fit C0XS0LIPATF.D SODA WATER CO. (LrMITTED.) ESPL A N A D E : Cor. Allen >nd Fort *it«. : : Ilonol.ilu IIOLLlSTER & C0.. Agcnt«. F0R 8ALE. A FINE “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLION colt belonging to P. D. Isenberg. The colt ean be sken at the PANTHEON STABLE from to-morrow, tf. The White House! 118 Xuuauu Avenue, HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Fipjt-clag jiou£e IN EVERY BEBPECT. Eooms from $1-511 ts $3.00 ser fset or 50c. jer DayPAUL LEMKE. PROPRIATOR. Be!l Telophone 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO Visitsrs. Pienie Parties. im —AND—- ! GEXEBAL PUBLIC: At 3nirH> \nd Live Stable, Kixo Strf.et. (Adjou:ing Metropolitiin Meat Mark ls the Cbeapest Plaee in Town yon e Bnssea, Wag, jn eues, Bnggtes and S Morses. It wili pay y,»n to eali an before rou try elaewhen». Mulual Telephone 408 aog]-tf LQVijQY&OQ Wiqe \ Liqooii De 19 Nauanu Street would eall your att< Dar Special Brand Longfife Pure Crt *YE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Bi io eaaka o