Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 October 1894 — The Nominating Convention. [ARTICLE]

The Nominating Convention.

It is rathcr i»musing to watcb the matcrial of whieh the socalled nominating convention will be composed. Ont of the whole lot there are only eight independent men. Thc rest are either clerks or indirect emplovees of tbe ,, com{»act.’' lt looks very mueh as if a private convention of the capitalists had boen held. and tbat it U.ere had had been deoided wbo to e!ect, and for such a purpose the j>resoi.ee of tho obedient tools had been arranged. There is not a single prominent man in the eon▼eniion. A nuraber of the delegates are verj decent and respcctable men iu thcir sinall walk of life, but no one has ovor made a mark for himself or commands a deserved admiration or even the confidcnce of the community. With one or two exceptions there isu’t a dolcgitte who has sufficient intelliger.ee or cducation raising him above the aver«ge of the ordinary dradging and plodding eili/.en. They constitute a most mcdiocro assembly. And it is to aueli that tho selcotion of legis«lators hus been entrnsted. lt is to such a motiey gang that the i fr.iming of a platform has been j granted I It isfortuuat indeed that whut- j ovcr p!atform ia framed, it l;as no : more binding etiect on the eom- j ing Legislature thau had theOath ' to the monarcby on Mr. Dole, I 5Smitli <V. Co. The wholo thing is j a faroe, and a very secoud rate ! one nt tlmt. Tho governmeut is perfeclly willing to seo a liille eleelion breeze in Honoluln, nnd probably soo a so-called radical elemonl clected. Tbe missionary i ciique will win the day in tho Legislature bocauso the goverument has iuanlpuluted things well, aud will have a solid phalanx of supporters on Ilawnii. Maui aud Knuni. Tho |iresēut 1 cabinot will nbsolutely control ' ufiairs through lheir solid b:icking from tho otl;or islands. and tho Ouhu po!iticians will bo uupleasantly surpriscd t > fiud tbnt they are of no account whatover, and dou t figuro in tho ealenlatious of t!ie execotivo except as deserviug of a sympathetio smile. " hoover is elected in Honoluln is immaterial to any issuo of importauce. Thcrc «ro nine “solid” sonators against llouolulu's six, and there are nino equally staunch represcntatives ngninst the Ho- I nolulu oontiugent, if it should ap- | poar inclin©d to kiek over the traces.