Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Tb -r- «re I..t» of polilim in (hn air. j How tbe t--.wii does eojov tho Penrose eiwu#! drs. fhirds wi!J l*»cture tonigh t on the vaiaab e sabject of thfHindoo Bible. llegimcntal dnll lonigb; wost of the boys look tired and say, S let as stay homo and read the HoL->Mr.v. — TLo Nolan dione*r partv was very mneh enjoyed yesterday. A ~reat *leal of talk has been cte:ited from tbat mr <s t mnocentafTair. — Tbe “Lig htning Barkeeper” is now dashi og out the stntF in the Pacific P,aloon. The crowd has cons(*«joently returned to the old huuuts. Honoialu is not n bit raore vicious thao she used to be. Peoplo talk a littre more. That‘s all — and tben the missioaaries are to thc front. Steward l‘reim:inn has resigued bis offico ns assistnnt manager at the rloteI this mrrning. He couldn’t stand the A h'erti*er’* report this morning Like Pcnrose he flees. Pajia Osmer is heartily eongratulntod ou the arrival of n son on the 10th inst. His inany fnends in Hamakua will be j)leased to noliee that the “old mm hasu’t forgotten his trade. ! “Hoonlu Lahni” forover. A lately ret«rned young lady who giined sorne notonety through a certain divorce suit, has not improved verv mneh in morals. Cigarettes go as easy as everand her mixinginto scaud;tls has not heen nbated.