Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

GONSALVES AI1w»vt» Ke«pa on H»n<i » Snpp!j of th( Very Best Pionecr Soap In C»v« of *J., H. 5), *)»al*l B>-< THIB SOAP 15 TIIE Finsst Imported H«:s. 8PECIAL PRICE8 FOR 5 CA8Es IN LOT8 JASl MNM 4 MK Celebrated Brands of SC0T(JH WHISKK\ Samt! y: BEN ALOOeHLAN. Ainsley’s ■ 0LD Blcnded GIeniivot GLH ,M0N Extra, S[x.‘,-ia 6LENLI0N lSPECLAL LlOUEl'K 1 SC0TCH WhlSKEY City - Carriage Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KIXG STREET !D. BEfilT, sBlacksmith Work AM) 1B Cam3jj R?Jiirinj

PAINTING : ANI) : TRlMMlS(i In all its Branche‘s at Be*l Rcck Prices. Mnlual Telephone 3»'2 Give us a Ca!l ■ for yonrself. jy-3 ADk*iNiSTEATio:rs >; THE UNDER3IGNED havin- l - i - • appointe<l Ailmini«trator of the E*tafi*.-t Petelo Kakoi. (k) Ute ol Hono ulu, Oab». defcase<i. Noticc i« hereby piven toa: ■ the dcce*jcd to present tbeirelain;* »ecured bv M.)rljta*e, or olher '“ U ‘. T aathendicnted and with the pr<>| ■ r i if »ny c\ -• • months from the <Ute her "( or r ; . wi.. forevcr barrcd; and all ; the said dccea5ed are P'.JU' -*f lom ike :nroediate payment at thc Oiliee t Kact.ia, Cvrner of Qmco ar 1 Noaaea Strcet«, Up-stairs. K.MLI PETELOKAKOi Administrator of lbe Estate oi Pe: Kakol, (k) deecased. lionolalu, Sept II, HW. - ' YJ£K OHAN, OEAl.Eil IN Fii|0 Faflii?hMg (^ūodS Fine Taiiorin T Fine Chinese and Japanest Handkerchiefs Noa. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. Hnlolu. P.O. Box 253. jy5

J. II. TRUSCHLEK, Boot & Shoemal‘ e1 ’* loO Fort iXveet. Repair?np;, noat!y Done, Q a * r so!e and heel with pegs, Half sole and heel sewing, au7 Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAIIANHOIEL BABBER Laiiie* Shampooing a <&y. HonohUu. m* 4k ?%*.■ :■ • f '