Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

> «!•» 2 Jt\ f ■ w/ / >» i) i iT’8AT0S8UP e •? Sometimrs wbere t> -o to i; r . cbase anv pnrticnlar arti-le. 'iu* nnt if yon happon to vmt ibvtbing in the line of .feists’ gupplies, r j i .LUC or enlargetl portrait-, t!n :v i. but one plaee in Hon h;!- t,, pnrchaseail mah ri.il- i;. ! t!. ,t‘. I\lNVf BKOS.’ S( t!>ere is no rival on tlu-o Islands. Tho finesftpamlings ii. Haw.n, r,ra on exhibitiou ia thi.- i.h rv. The firci makes a s|)-.cialty of 1 enb«rging portraits as w. I as ! muking pietnro franaes :n tlie ■ i very latest styles of monldir,gs. I In the shect pictiu -. tLev | hayo thonsands to selcct fi ’u of | they invito an i:;-;* ti a ’ ; at any timo, r j • I ICI]S t Ct HIK)S-, 1 I Hotel Street, : : . Hi. In’o n>5g 2.">-lmd v. SALE j A Complete |Hunting Outfit. w. H. CUNN!NGH; Anchor Siiioun. seplO tf machine made : POI! FACTORY, : : KALIHI. laro Plnnt?>, Frcsh T'j s an.l h Taro !it all tttnes. l*>8g Cp Mutusl T.-ieph"- ’•>• 345. W. L. WILCOX, jjr25 Manager. CITY DRAYAGE CO. Quee>i »nd Fon Str - \\ l»it • «nd BlackSind. iX»ae at Reus.>n«blc Ka£er. W. F. 8I1ARRETT, JjrA>