Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Hemoval Umst&ce & — BAVF MOVEl> TO Morgan’S - Auctlon - Rooms for . short tuue. We ir «tm Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA »nd kindling WOOP in iet qajia!ity. Both Te;ephones 414 »u$ POUND MASTER S XOTICE. Notice « b. reby giTcn to M there are at the Gowrn«nent Pouu.i - kiki tvro strrve<t bnlls. 1 bla«.k bu br.tn.led Kon right bind leg. 1 r inco bnU bn»n.l imliscrioAble ou 7 le g- ,,, Vnv rersou or persons owing the*e bnll> w n*jnested U* oouie ;u.d the s,vnie on or before 12 o’eloek noen, bATl RI)A\. SErr ' ,5 - ,5W - kokox*. Poun.l Ma>ter. Makiki.Auij.5i), 1S!M. aug30-lwdT

Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABU5QED 1SST. A. M. MEIXIS. Proprietor, 5IS Fort St., Honolulu, (Upst»lr»> C.ood Fit CONSOLIPATKD SODA WATER C0. (LrMITTED.) ESPLAN ADE: for. Allen an«I Forl Sl«. ; : nonoluln IIOLUSTEK & 00.. Ascnt«. F0E SAIE. A FTNE “ MIDNIGHT ’’ STALLI0N colt belonging to P. D. Isenlx*rg. The colt ean be seen at the PANPHEON STAl>LE (rom to-morrow. tf. The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avcnuo, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDSH Fip$-clag [!ou^e IX KVERY BESFLCT. Rooms froni $1-50 to $3.00 per Veet or 50c. per Day* PAUL LEMKE. PROPRIATOR. Bell Pelephone 132. aug 22

NOTICE T0 Visitcrs, Pienie P2rties. im —AND—GENEHAL PUBLICI \L/ V At Ssjrxa’s a\d Livery Kixg Stbeet. [Adjoining MetropoIitan Meat SLirkel.] Js the Cbeapest Pla« in Town von ean and Sail(i!e Howe». lt will pay yo U to eall and *w be£ore yon lry elsewhtre. Mntaal Te!ephone 408

LO^eJoy&CO. Wiije \ Liquor ūeale^ 19 Nuuanu Street " e wol »Jd eall your atlention to Our Sj*cial Brands Longlife p ure cream RYE wh/skey. Fredericksburg Beer a ° 2 ‘ n ca*ksorbttileg