Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

pOR, SAL A Complete Hunting Outflt. Oue Ir 3*1 Sftter b:tch ot tho bes; hlo.nl m Amerhu; roc -ilen»»! in the A. K. S. H. m»! j»jrtlv broken. One rointer. b.teh bv the eele - br«tej Gleubeigh that c >t $1000 in Kngl*nd. Oue l’up five weoka o!d father acd molher thorooghbreeds. One H ekh.wni baiit€«pe‘'iai!y f<»r huntiog pQrj>o«o». One 12 g»uge L. C. Srn th gaa 63 g>Hnl »3 uo.» uml io fine onier. The above oulfit will be eoKl eheap Euqaire uf W. H. CUNNiNGHAM, « Aiu-hor S.i sepl9 tf

Criterion Saloon ! NOTI(’E horeby given, that all cluim.s againsc the Criterion SaIoou« wi!l bo settleil by Jas. F. Morgan, aml all outatao«lmg accounts duo tho ClUTERlo>’ S\i.oon aud tho jobbing hou.se of L. H. Di E up to tbo above date, aro p»yable to Mr. L H. Dee. AIl bil!s against L. H. Dee, ploaso preseut immediatoly for payment. L. H. DEE. Honol'.lu. Oct. 3, 1894. oelO 3m MACHINE MADE rf 3P O I ! FACTORY, : : KALIHI. T«ro P!ant9, Fresh Top9 and Kaw Taro at all tiraes. Hing L'p Mulual Telephone 577. Hell 345. W. L. WILC0X, jv25 Manager. CITY Ī>R.\YAGE C0. M»n i: Q i-o i and F»rt S:r- ets. w »Mt- and B ! ack Sn»<f. L>r!Vi' g D -ne .»t R-as<»nah!e Rutea. W. V. 9H.\RRETT. M«SAoaa.

C V-T 0 tlH F<V)iT Etc., e«n*-r iCnj ai,J Alakea ftnriBos Kefri?er*ators Br F;tir St«-ata«r frooa s»a Fr»neUeo, vilb Fresh Fruit, Oysters. S3lmon, Poultry, Etc. Etc.. Etc., Etc. «p( *, ’W-l,. Ilaniwai BatliHDUSE The uiul^rs ; g ied having Leaheo the well kn«-wu IlaNiwaI Bath ilOHE at Waiiiki, b.gs to n for:;. yoū, that it wi!l b| run as * Strictly Firsi-Class BA TH!NG RES0RT. Sp*»ci»» aecAiQ-Qodfiti>n9 f>r Ltdies aud Childrea. W. S. BARTLETT. Proprietor. f.s« Xriiu-cars {>034 the plaee ooS