Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Xo G;rcaji. -- ‘•Ch.irlies A:>nt” i«? 5al. A fall hoose to ni^hL Tue m.ilii »e war a great sac- | c?«« l'iie \ ntralia ieft at 12 o’eloek | to d*y. The “fast pieces ’ left in the Austr.»lia. The 0|»era Hon.se onght to be enlarged. Athletic Sj>ort this afternoou at 2 30 o’eloek. The band will play at the sports this afternoon. In tho fntnre the boys will keej> their sl irls or pants on. Tlie kids h»d a jubilee,they »11 like the Corner Grocerv. - - -r Snranel and W. II. Cornwell arrived in towu this raornir.g. Mrs. G.dlow.ij- gives a lecture at 3 o’elnek this afiernoon nn tli9 Vi .vl TIemedy. Tr.e soldiers were aronnd Pal.iee SquirelHst night. they ; try to earn tiieir money. I Mr. W. L. lVferson is acti»g as dtornoy for Dr. K. I. Moore during his ai>sence

Anotber nrtesian well is being bo«re<l ou llie McCully preraises* bv tho McCjuulIess Bros. J I The Nominating Conventiou will raoet this nftornoon, there will be raore thm fourteen people present. Mr S. M. Damon is having a vault constrncfetl for the finances of the Governmeut, whera aro the fiuances? The arrest <J Juo. Ricl aulson by sherrif Amlvews withont nny apparaut cans h»s createil a seuh ition in Maui. A raost enjo}’»ble pnrty waa t given I.ist night in honor of Dr. R I. Moore tbe well kuown tl ntist who left in th* Aūstralia to- ! <1 iy.

Mr Friemnn takcs liis »lep!tvtre from thella\vaii:iu Hniei. Acoonling a letter iu tlie Ailvertis.‘r. lieiliil not m»mge the eanenn (lunee on the imm.ieulule t.ible. Mr. J. I. Dowsett his bemi apj> 'intoil the gu;mlian < f Piielmu Purker by JuJge Whiting. nn uji|>oal hni heen note<.l the Snpreme Cuurt by tbe nttoruies of Mr S. Parkor contestaut of tho nppointtuent. Tho hall oeeupieil by the American League has beeu be iutiful tlec>irate(J for tlie Nomina1 tiug Convoution whieh will tako 1 plaoe th s afteruoou, tbey may huve the buuting but they 1av uot tho uieu.

Teu thousaii(l tlollars is the : .moimt askctl for. from tho Ha,v .iiau Goverumeut by Chas. Scbarf >v..o el iims tli.»t he »as tlamaged tbrough tlie uegleot of o!lice>rs ol said goveiuiuent the case «ill be heunl at the next term.