Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Hawallaa mnwwīmna co, V^5 DEALERS IN

IHŪN, CDAL, ŪAK, ASH, and all kinds cf Carnage - anei - Wagan MATERIALS, jS"» 70 Queeu Street oc4 Benson, & Co., The Corner ST0RĒ P*nre Druo*s, Fine : Perfum.es, Prompt Atteution, Low Prices Corner FoitLt’HoteI Sta’ 'aul :HOLLīSTER & CO. . Iiaportirs. W iole* ile «:ui Kiliil ji! jrs io| Cigrao:3, SmoTrirLgiXoloaeeo, am. Smoksis -A-rtiol©3. Agents for the Celebrated Gr. 13. D. PIPES, MADE IX P.\RH. au^7 PUEIFIED WATEE. J\To IVIicrob©s. U82d bt ma e )X5 'iiOA rsi) SODA WATER WOHKS CO.MP.VXV’ —Liuited. Xlr©3r F'n.xni3ii tjo.© X , otxoLta.t:n.3 T‘o.xoorg*.3.eTit f tjo.e Cit3rl 2XC:-:rr'. v. »x» * as CX3T3t3.1. i3ixsirix. 7 aug