Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal 1 ce & ha ve moved to — Morgan*s - Auction - Rooms \Ve *rwtin for > *hort tto*Departure Bay COAU CHARCOAL, AI.GER0BA ami KINDLING \vool> in *nj qu»ntlty Both Telephoncs 411 P0UND MASThKS XOTICE. {otioe is t< rvby en to an j|n- j rT£’5Srsff , tt?J*s SSWR»ri«ht hinlK.. ipmeohnll. toSSSSt£" u — bulls! t» eouie a.ui Uke ‘he on ; before 1- o’eloek noen, t>ATl KL ax, j PT. 15. 1SW. JvMES KUKONA. Ponn.l Miwter. Hakiki. Ang. 50. 1SVM. .ng30-hrdj Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABLISHKD 1SS7. A. M. MELL1S, Proprietor, ! 518 Fort St., īlon»lulu. (U P *tair*} Good FU CONSOLIDATED SODA \VATER t O. (1,TMITTED.) ESPLA N A D E : : c«r. »llon hikI i 1 Honolul" IIOLUSTER * CO.. F0R SALE. \ FINF “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLIOS >m to-morrow. “• The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS- \ [ioage IN BVERY KE8PI CT. Rooms from $1-50 to $3.00 per WoeL cr 50c. per DayPAUL LEMKE. PROPRlATOR. Bell Telenhor,a 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO Tisitcrs, Pienie ParHes. lnans -AND—6ENEKAL PUBLICI

At Smim'a B;s axd Livbry Stabi.e, Kixo Street. (Adjoining Metropolitan Me*t M;u-ket.] ls thē Cbenpest Plaee in Town yon ean eet Bosses, 'V«goneties, Buggies and ij*daie Uokk». It Wili pay y>n to eaU and aee oelore von iry ei*ewttere. Muiual TelepLone 408 angl-tf Oriterion SaIoon ? — NOTICE i* bereby given. that j aii cinims nguust tbe C?lte?i Qu will be settled by Jas. F. Morg*n, ■ and «iutsUrulmg aeeounU Jue tbe Cbit£riox Saloox aiul th© jobbmg hoo.se of L H. Dee up to the hbove date. are p.tyabie to Mr. L. II. Die. A»1 bi!iS ogtiagt L. H. Dee p!ease pn*ont imraeUute|y f Q r paymeut L- H. DE£. Houolula, Oei. 3. 1334. oolO 2jū