Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

rr INSURANC !•:.-« FIRE AND MABINE THK rNDERSIGNKD IS Al T T !O.RIZKl) T0 T\KE FIEE and MaIIINK BI3KS ON m * Merchandise, Kulls» Cars:oes, Kro i <2: hts and Commis^ions At CuiTont Rutes, in the Following Cos. mxelt: ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVhRPOOL. ALLIANCE ASSDRANCK FiRE & MARINE, LONDON, WILHELMA OF MADGKBLRG GjSjlNERAL 1NSURANCE CO. 8UN IN8URANCE COMPANY, SAN FR.\NC1SC0. .1. S. WAI .KER, gJF“Agent for tbe Hawaiian LIan(Js. <mjyWAX k PQRTE11, Robinsou BlocJ:, Holel St., helween Fod and Nuuanu, Have Just Receivfd,]er Lale Aimala, 1be I est Siccl cf FUR N1TURE Ever Im} Orted to this Country. Comprisiug Hndsome Carved Bedroom &ts •» InJSolicl Oak, andot ihe LATESTDESIGAS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N 1S CALLED T0 TflESE SETS: WICKBR i?i. E5, Beaut fn! Dos gns of consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS. ROCKERS, etc.,Tou ean get these iu nuy FINISH you Jesire. CHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHAIRS, in evcrv stylo, includiug 0111CE ane’ HIOIl CHA*IRS. E2ITEITSI01T TAELS3, We havo had a number o{ calls for these Tablcs, with CHAIES t > match. Wo have uow iu stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOIVI FURN!TUjlE__ £VER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Cliiffoniers d i va nxr s „ <53 Divans covered witb P0RT1ERS are beconiing quito the rage in ulaeo of L0UNGLS -we manufacture tiiem to order, aud Lave a laigo stock of P0ETIERS to sel ct from. BZDDIira. Grej\t Assortment ofWOVEN W1RE MATTRESSES —Spring, H ir, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou lianil and ruade to order. ULVE GEESK FEATHERS aml SILK FL0SS for Pil!ows. CR1RS, CRADL£S. etc. W1ND0W SHAD£S of all colors and siz s. C0RMCE P01.ES, in wood or br ss trimiuiugs. E XĪZX2<T <3-. Mattresses, Lounges aud all Upholstored Furuiture rcpaired at, r> asonable n tes. CABINET MAKING, iu all its branches, by Oompetent Workmen. MATT1NG LAID and lut rior Docor.itmg under the Supervi3iou uf Mr. OEORGE ORDWAY Our Goods .re First Class, aud <>ur }>rices are tie iowest CoTue and be oonvinced —a trial is s >licited. Ēell 5‘25. telephoxes: Muluai 645. ORDWAY* ,k PORTER. R>»biuson Block. heiween F<»rt and Nnnanu Tklkfhones: Bell 351 Mutual 417 Besidence: Mutual 410 P. 0. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, U C0NTRAGT0R and BU!LDER Estimates Given 011 Ivinds 0? BH1CK, m ST0NE £ W000EN BL1UNNGS v AU Kinds of Jobbing in thc Buildir.g Trade, Attended to. KEEP8 FOR SALE: Bru«, jutme, Ccment, Irou 8tone Pipo and Fittīcgs, Uld & New Cormgate<l lron, Minton Tile», Quarry Ti!ee, assorted &isos and coiors; C«iifoioia «od MonUivy band. 2 Granite Corbing and Riocks, efc,. etc. !Corner King <51 Smith Sts. Officc Hours. o to 13 M.. M. :.®r> » ; _