Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — A STAR PERFORMANGE. [ARTICLE]


The Audience was Charmed. Of all the productions pivon i' this city noue are so dest-rvirg of repetition as Iast n ght’s pl»y ‘‘Fiiusl” and the houdred of regular patrons ean, but expres> their regrets at their abseace. The management has a bad facuity of giving just what tliey promise and the devotee of the dramH who allows ;i play to p;iss j is doiug Limself or herself an injnstice.

was given in all its eoin-pletenl-tiy of scenic d--tail and tl.o acting was a revelation to tliose wlio have witnessed the Co. in raodern drama. A. H. HalleU w.is tbe Mephisto «nd g ive a finisbed interpretalion. He has given practical deroonstration of wondeiful versalitely. Mr. was a finished “Faust’' and Miss D dgleish a winsora Margnerite. Mr. Scott was very impressive as Wlenliiie, his dying sceue beiug heartdy appreciated. Kitty Boimour mad^^-^4^-Martha a very ecci-ntricv and huinorons old ladv an l tlit/otln r • • four characters were eipably reudered. Ttie “l5rocken” scene was a marvel of beanty and the climax cal)ed fortU a douhle curtain eall. Mr. Dailey isgiving vorystrong dramatic preseutations aud his coutinued niouuting iu det iil shows tbat he is thoronghly practical. lt raay be another (1-J years before \ve shall have these opportunities »md they sliould not be overlooked now. Botli tlie organization aud plays sUonKl uever be given to as stnall an audience as asseiubled last eveniug ns it is a refi *ctioti on onr artistic intelligence. Tomorrow evening the great co;uedy draraa “B!ack FU.g.”