Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


* *• I* bvnight, Tbe Byaointb is in port i -— _ *ohodv fainted Iast night The Nalional B*nd tonight. O n ly two passengers left for the oleano yesterday. . | The Board of Health did not raeet tbis »ftirno i D. — I The Alameda is dne froro the colonies to-morrow. Leilani officers ean be foand at the hotel to-night. fhe Schnetzen CInb meets tonigbt - •• • C hapman h*»s been np pointed steward at the Hawaiiun Hotel. Mr. M H. Oomwell anddanghter left for Maai in the C!auditie last night. Mr. C. J. Fishel, the appraiscr ' h«9 got a new office in the Custom Hoase. TheJapnnese in Hawaii Lave ] collected n large snm of raoney ; for thej Red Cross’’ in Japun. | A merchnnt and u sea eapLiin had a pleasant row on the wat*-r r fn»nt yesterday. Tbe “cargo” wus prol»ably short. 1 he members of the Humane Society have showu lheir activitv by devising u very neat button to * be worn by ioembers. ’ 11

Mrs. Nolan wlio bas heen vic tim zed by tbe attentions of tb»Ailrertiser ia rapidly recovering from ber disposition. A few carelessly sp<>kon woi'eln of a kumaaina iu tbe presenco of Judge \Vliiti- gyesterday furnisbtbe Adver(itier witb a seusatiou Tbe SHlectiou of poekoi ktiif-*s presented in tho Ooleleu Jtnle Baziar is worthy «f inspection. H costs notbing ti 1« ok at Alr. Reynolds uew stocl, Tbe government has been pre senl»cl with several “suits ’ latelv. If coinplainants win tbe tax-psyers will be ,, out” a niee sum. Jf snffic-ieut inducement is offerecl “Charlie’s Auut” will be rep»*ated. C<«ll on l.evey. Tbe box sale opened at 2 o’eloek tbis afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Ricbard left f<uHaw.aii yesterd<y. Her buskand will fcliow sbortly aiul int**nds t>> mako bis pennanent residence on bis rancb ou tbat island.

Tbo poliee is investigating au alleged K'sanlt on Miss Cntter The chief uf the detectives h.-is a ehie and somebudy will prob*bly go tojail within a dny or two

Tbe XationaI Bmd will start toniglit's concert at 8:15 o'eloek out uf considerati<»n for tlie sermon whieh wil bo re**d iu tl*o Central Uaion tonignt an.l whieli appeared in ye-»tenl «y’s Holomi a

D ivis h is prepared a new roote f»r his stemier Waimanalo. On and after thc 2‘2d »D8t , the steamer will bedis patched weekly f-»r sever «l |»orts O’i Kanai l)eside< tmichiug at her asual Oaha p«»rts.

Capla n Rob. rt Parker in.de an opium seitare yestenl «y «f;er auon. Twenty fonr tins were tbe re»ulu of tbe endeavura of tbe aew ••»«‘nior” naplain Th dope w-u int*-nded for K»uni, b»»t tbe •*patriuU” o i thnt will now b«ve t o go dry for s uue d-«ys’

Aceord»ng to tbe St(tr there waa « »P»** between Capt* i n H »udlette of the Austr*ba «nd Mr. Pneiuan I *•!>* stew«id of

the ioiwl. Tba ir>al»Je »tmb w*su’l f»ry *«r»uns c*Q*<hI tbroi»g(» wiw'k - * u»**le »n reg*r » tp.* oow uoWiiou* b*il »uti 4iu ©•*•