Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — Meetings. [ARTICLE]


— - Tlio towu. is full uf iueetings to nig!it. .Tb* trastees mul officers of tiie Leiiani Bont Club will uieet nt the hotel at 7:30 u’cl..ck. Tlie Sclmetzen Clob me*ets in iU uaiial |>lace. fbe Maunerchnr wi 11 siug tonigbt. Tbo National B-nd wi 11 meet at the hotel at 8:!5 o'eloek. Tbe Young Hawaiinne lnstitute w.ll be fouml at tfle Y M. l'. nt 7: *0 p m Tuo 8 iivatiun Aroiy will drive out the devils uext to Cuu!ia’s art gallerv. An.l de will iuaet Sbe. Dailey has tbe town iu nioammg auiii>uncing his next play •‘Black Flag ”