Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

DErcrv Marshal Brown is to bc bigbly compliraented on bis prosecution of a Cbine«e vagrant and pimp Mr Brown bas evi- | dently bad bis eye on tbe fellow wbo b«s used b1s time ns a procurer of licensed women Tbe man was sent to jail for tbree m<mths and Mi. Brown very pro- j perly stnted to tbo court tbat if a man really \vanud to go to ucrk in tbis country bo could fiud am ple opportuuities, It is r»nder stood tbat Mr. Brown will cgntinuo bis preseut figbt against the obnoxious persons referred to,and wo bave no doubt tbat he. witb tbo nssistanco of tbe cuurt will nd Honolnlu of a most undesirable elemenl.