Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 25, 17 October 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The Atlver1i*r continnes its "senaatiooi«i‘' articles. Tbe eoconrsgement gtveo by tbe roorning sbeet to **tourisl»” will b«idly auit Mr. L. A. Tburston. «nd otbersconoected witb tbe Voicano Hooae. We tbougbt that tbe fnture of tbe country was p.irtly baaed on tonrist trav«Utug. Does Mr. Armstrong want to monopoliee tbe vo!cauo boose altogetber or wiil beallowa>imeotberstrang•ra to oall in ocaaaionally i Hia preaeut policy will drive peopie aw«y and eneoar«ge every pleasoxe eoeker to at«er clfar of Hawaii.