Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Fire, Ldfe d Marine INSURANCE. *‘ ' r HARTFOKD Fi'RE ixsuraxce co.. 1 Assets, 7.109.825.49 1 LONTX)X-LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO.. Assets, ? 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO„ ‘ Assets, $ 6.124,057.00 6 XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, Getieral Agent for the Hawaiian Ia!anda, llnnolnlu h- E. Mdi«TT^ Ē k B^o IMPORTERS AXD DEALERS IN Groceries, l 3 rovisions AND Feed, c» EAST CORNER FORT & KING.STS. New Goods Rec’d By every Packet frora tbe Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Prodnce by e\ery steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CUARGE. i Island Orders Solicited. Sat'sfaction Guarunteed. Post Office Boi N<>. 145, TeIephone No. 92. ! V. O. Box 480. Mitual Telepho\k 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Fnrniture IS AT1THE tOK«EK Ok' King &. Nuuanu 8ts. I X L jr* Honolulu {H. I.

PANĪHEON 8ALOON, ?PHT AM) HOTEL STS, Heaiananen Enlemme Emwui Cs. THE Largpst Constgnment of Beer ihaL eyer arrlved here, noi? on Draught iyl-* ). DODD, Pr»>p r KEAL ESTATE AGENCY. Hoase.s to~rent and for sale. Benta collected, conveyancing in tll its br.mohei atiended to with promptne.ss and despatcb. HoKorLc Re.vl Estate Agexct. 103 Fori St. 5TOTICE. Ip tntan ili BQXS £or Viū m on pmfn:»tioc. W« an oomMliee to mort lo tU> n»le, oo mmut oI 1m iastOhr to co(lect Ihe wūoritT of oor swVrt*king biils ifld faaenāi an ow. WUUlklii BR06, ED. A. WILUUI6. kl*nager. 7-* TUTI KHED1S8. WUl’ rru OMKWopikm. Sbeuc>««»B3. Mnrb.CrtMn.ai: s»ib4it*o, *atj jn«l: tbe »«m jom. Hmm» m —emeiool UMt li jetu e«re i#i'eB*y. Vber »re «ai «n »**<t *n Um cmm deik»te eod U» yooB«e*t ty I

T. Murray Ik Xow to «»e l nunil On Ihe Xew Miauil, .\o. Kinff Nt.—lliw Himinena aa CARRIAGE ajtd ll'iiiu Manofactūrer Q (roe« On, When the “Independeut” P \RT\ gets 3moshed he will be ready to REPAIfi PAIHTiAHD TRil IT j At a Fignre.— Ko ' * - ■ , . I Rxtra Chargo for Furni»hiug Ihem wjth Oomiaon Sense. LET THEM RIXG UP iiUIUAL TKUEPHUXE o7‘A f«an i