Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 20 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


‘ Oar Bovs 1 tn D ight. Cricket tljis afteroobn. The BoarJ of Hea!tb met ves terday. Tbe Hyacinth took io eoal ye* terday. The luaane A8vlum hrt8 fioally got a windrnill. Tbe Bicyclers are on the road tbis afternoon. Another series of laaghs at the Oj era Ho«se toni<;bt i o<r old Luning w:»s fni><sed greatlv on this S.iturday Moie buga e.ime down on the Al;»meda. l>liglit haa a poor show. J. H. Rayraond bas been made government pbygician at Koloa Kauai. Ibe ballots fur tbe election on tho other islauds will bo forwarded on Tuesd iy. Mr». (Jal'ow)iy will give an illastruted Iecturo at,the Viuvi b <11 tliis ufte rnoon ui 3 o'ebx*k Miss l).i!gleisb will bavo anot!ier opportnuity .to displny her abil:tv oa Tbursdav eveniuc •* •» O Srnooth Cayenne pineapple ! plants frorn Saraoa eaii be f(>uml at the Calif<>rnia Fru:t Murket. Doii’t forget that St. Andrew s Fa r will bo he'd ou Novoinber J tbe 24tli. 8ave your casb for tbo oeeaaiou. Two «itra strong dra\ving cords aro iu tbe repertoire for noxt "« ek, i e. , ‘Lady «»f Ly«ms” aud “ Hazel Kuke.” Dailey’s c«)(iipany raigbt woll be termed ‘ 0«ir B >ys” as tb v grow stronger iu peiaonul fuvor «t eueli perf<<r minee. Tiie ugent «>f tlie iliimaae Society is veiv nctire aud qtute u i»iiiiib« r < f cruellv treuted l.orses baS been condeiuueJ. Tbe Iiot \veatber under whieh 1 p H-.nololu now suHVrs will iiuiuee ' tunny pouplo to visit i onp Braucb aiul llai.iw.ii toraoirow. i T\vo well kuowu r< siileuts of K.uai «re c>utoiuplating mar riuge. Tbe brules mo tiie fauest j «ud m< st beautiful Hawaiiuua m Houolulu’a s«’C ety. Tbe leper settleraeut hua got a Y. M C. A. lt will be forraallv openeil ou tbe 14tb next «t whieh time tbo Pre«ident of the Ro«rd prubably will be tbere. I)ailey «lid uot leave and it’s , doubtful if wo sball 1« oso hiiu j frora our commnnity. We woukl ' prefer bavmg lio and bis ehanu ii.g wife rv*si«le witb ua. l)r. How ud who is «bsent from the t >wn haa res guetl his posi tion «t tlie gov«?ruraent di'|>ensarv teinporarily. Dr. Myers h«s i cburgo in tbe lueaulnne. Al. IUl!ett has uot recovered hig |ost diaiu ad »tud ye*. It is to be hopeil t!iat 80«ne h«*uest tel|uw w II eoioe aeiuaa llie Vuluble stoue «nd oaru the ollennl rewaul. | The Baat CIub wil hoUl a apeeial iu« etmg next Mond«T eveuiug at ";3U p.ra at the bas«»uient of «he Hawaiinn Holel. *nd a fuil attend«nce »s J si re«l _______ A l«rge a di«uce listt’acd t<» Mi» Ti»iida' loctare b«st uigbt. Tbe subj«ct was , riiet»at'ipby »n.l Mor«U” S.une of theaod»ence j waa r«th- r pn*«lctl in r»*g »rd to what wa* Theosophy and what Mor«U. S*«» S*»«ci is des rvedly the f.»vorite uotik f<*r | h H‘Oj»ie e..j jug | tln*ir h*»uey > oou. !t w rura*»re»l 1 |h l in the near f«ture s.x >»uug c«* ipl * •»!• bt-e ndveui>ge of. w i«t l’«ul Neuuauuu eiUe *'U»e bt-«veuly rtn*oft/* m UlaiiUl » *