Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 20 October 1894 — Godfrey's Directory. [ARTICLE]

Godfrey's Directory.

Frank G «1 fr y lms coinpile«l a “reail\ r ference aml ilneelon ,’ wh eh u< wis īii c< cish <<f puhluxtion. The directory 001111111!“ the nanies «>f all tlie registere«l v <(ers and w<ll lie <«f «/re it valoe to tli<’Se interesteil ii> tliueIectiou b«-si«les *f iruishing so n» verv inip rtant points to those »lio liave opposed the repnb! c Ii sh«nvs that tliere are 1230 per s<«ns wlio have an ineome «>f over ?600 a year, »n«l who have heeii r g stered as voters f<>r senators. It will be higlily iiiteresting to stndy the n iiues an«l occapatious of these furton.«le 1230 gentle men The direct<>ry will be o<it in a few days. l*j = 11 s«iecessary to stale that the work ha» be« u «lon 0 witi. '!i> 4reatest care an«l is absobite<v c >rrect as Mr Godfrey*s ubility a «1 esj>eri«-nce is beyoud qnestion. A numhei of adveriisments indicate th «t the directorv will be a snccess to the pnblisher. Dr. Herbert lias presente«l to the Bo«r«! of Health a plan, and mo«lel f<>r a p «tent bolt. wliieh will m «ke it pr«oticablo in case of fire to nnlook al! tbe doors t<> the roomsof the Insane Asylum at onee, hu«1 thus rel«m*ing all the I>atieuts iu a very short. It is t<> be bojie«l th-»t t!ie Uoanl will a«lopt this us«dul an«l clever eontrimnce. The S«lvati«in Ara»y w;ll invado the Ce«itral Union c!iurch tomorrow evening The object of llieii eff>rts wdl b« to dml oat “Ilow they w. rk andg« U the m< ney ' lf r«ference is m uie t«i the c«>ngreg <tion of the Central Uniun the army hasstrRC« ihe right fhop. Tne fiel«l selected f>r ihe go d w,»rk sbo«s gniat stgscitv on the part of ihe n«ijut.tuU. capUios and MalIeiojah »>ld ers.