Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 20 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

J ( macfarlaxe * 00. Oealen in Wine$ and Spirilg KMhnnwnn < nreet. Hooolala. H. E. McINTTRE A BRO.. Guocert, Feed Store A Baeert, • Comer of King anfl Fort St«.. Honolnln J. PHILL1P8, • PRACTICAL PLUMPEH, GAP.FITTEB X)PPER-8MITH, Honae and Ship Job Work Promptly Execut«d. | No. 71 King Street, Honolala. I)k. MpLENNAN. Fort Street, ahove Hotel. Mnliiai TVIephone 6S2. for ofBce; 287 tr»r residence. jy28 ED. C- ROWĒ. Hovse Sion aml Oinamental I r» • ramfer. Manufacture of I.i»jui<l Slatmg. <>2») King Streel. augl LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Keal t!state and A uctioneer. i’«r>MT.F»rt aad Queca Street», Houolnlu Porsonal atteuti>>u g'V€*n to Sales of Fnrnitnre, Real Estate. Stock «nd General MorcLandise. Matna) Telenhoue 2:tS FAT B0Y.” S\L03N V | P. MoINEKNW, I'rophietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Cokveh Bethfx avd FIotkl Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRI(',HT, Pkophiktor, (Surcrs«or to G. BLTLDIN<f avd REPAIRING. > All OnK-n< from the Clhsr laUui. īn toe C»rhaf;c Buii<Ung, Tnmtalnt and Painiim; Liue «III Meel with Pr»rapt Atlcation. Rlack»mitbiiu; in All lts Varimij Br.uuhes D»ne. P. O. B»x ;:ji, y»s, I2»i and 130 ; Forl 5ttixH*t. JyI9 Ijr W.S. LUCE Wine and Sr>irit I Merchant Firr-pr*Hif Hloek', \if.»tHantkt noNoi.m.n. 7i * B0TH TELKPI10NKSS 71 —COSSOLlPATED—SODA WATF.R W0RKS-: C0. (l.IMITTKD,l ‘ ’ ALL penona are w*rn«M not to p#nnit tb**ir to tTV'Spass on the UuiU 1 of Khuowhi iin<) K«m iLili, hei»njpng tbe | nn.lers'guo>l nee j>lauU rs. AD »nim U* i (onn.i on stiwyiug on tbe rice Unds will be im|H'unded or shot, LENT \I waj sino kee. Hoooinln, Aug. 23 I8M. *ng 28-lm<Py Toi Wo Wing Kee Co. W NLLANL' STRFFT D#tler? in L'idics’ A\tents B *ot> hih! 8h<x*s m.Hdc lo ordpr. • a > p o Bo« !'• — Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “.\.USTKALIA.” Auother Invoice of the orid Iienowned FREOERICKSBURG I UGER BEER On dr*ogbt and by lbe j 1 AI»o, as a Specialty, l SMALL FRtSH Cauforhia l . *• 1 FOU 0YSTcR8. * OOCKTA1X-S uia>1 3a»