Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 October 1894 — Special Matinee [ARTICLE]

Special Matinee

“CL?rfev's Aunl" whieh drevr snch a big house l.ost woek will be giveu at a special famiiy n»atineo Wednesday at.3 P. M. when tho sohool cbildron and taothers will havo an opportnaity t > en joy a hearty laugh. The bodv of a man named Hans CarUon was foand 8oating { in the harbor yesterday morning. The man was a n torioas drank&rd and it U presuraed tb*t he tell inio the water while ioloiiea- j ted. An inqaest is beiog held this aftera x»n. The corpee was buried yesterday at the expense of the governmeot