Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

eweu». m s Hyv atb, May, F>-jnim»nlt, BJC. »otnuNms. . . v En.m». KwewiUe, X S W. V W H IM. •|H. NiI-m.SF. , r \ -iia. ! «1*1, S*n Fnimi«. v M Ke’l'Ki.*. I\an-tn, Cny'* II arl> r, _ - \r. 'r»l:s. Honil'e{*.e, S F. Ati' ī»i Oakliml, >«*{**•. , OKI ic> vmm i.* » \»*r<Tri>. . ■ !-n I< wcr» .. Ij«VKan M I>ne j M > S ( i y of l't king.Vokohji mn. .Oct !) j ( ktL' 1 l.mūr L»T**n 1<1 Oct 5 • Cook...Pt TovueBdOd 12 i,- Kl:kitat l’t Towu-<*nil.rtot 2ī) « l>k Kl-in .re XewcnsUc....Oct 20 j;k fa.L-.ir F»r»-{ . Nctrc*rtl« Oct 2® j...rk H ’ifcnbeck...Liverpool rtct 30 ,K:r. - r I v.i Knivka Oct 31 H..« t k Mmma A'a Xevcutle.. Nov 18 «■ . r Ptr;tiui....X>*wra»tle. Nov 30 : , i, (il. iiiv«ir...Xewca*lle. ..Not 30 (Jt>rt k l’ani .I5reinen IX‘o 10 s -j,i|. H F < >lnik' I.Weipool lan 30 1«. XJ!ICSI nttL RKItVICE. stmn.«hi|« « ; >! ,eAV< * ] or ? n,, > ,rr >'* :tom S;,n Franc,.Vo «jdotfcerfore.pi . ,• , „t, or u»«ont followinje <Ute8, iill the c!opo of 1894. (xavk Ho\olclc Drr. *r Hoxolclc h.k s»x Fkascisco. Fm. San FRAXCisqp ok Vascocve». on Vasoo?tm. I’. kii;.' . .Oat 9 An»tralia Oct. C A •.. .Oct. 13 Anwi "ct. 24 « .ii Oct. 18 Monowni Oct. 23 M .wer:« Nov 1 AastrHlia Xot. 3 .\ustnli» ...N»t. 10China Nov 1Mani i N> v. 15 Alameda Nov. 22 Otvan .i' Nov 11' Miowen» Xov 24 \niwa Dec. 1 Auilmlia.... .Dcc. 1 Australi« Dec. 8 Oeeanie lHv 11 M„!i » i ... .Dec. 13 Marij>OAa l>c. 20 M; w« ra D©C. 31 Anw» Dvc. 24 China Dec 31 Australia Dec. 2!» Tiie I'anlheon Saloon is the ilej»ot lor the celebr,.te«l Enter|iriseBcer, where it c»n always l>o foun«l eool and fresh on tap. Wo «lo not «leal in ‘ Frfdericksburg L>cer” a» the raorning Paper—thnmgh sor:ie inielnke has advertised. Call at tbe Panlheon for tf-freshiug drink. J1M D0DD. Proprietor. * Ta\k abont braying asses. The t »:.is fullof thom. McBn»yer’8 v. ! .:skey is only to bo found at the Empire SaIoou. And whon it s found it stays. En. l'«oqna of thoEinpiro »Saloon Las made a new deal whieh will touch the hearts, or at least the l'«Iatos of many u thirsty wamlercr. lle keepa *‘half-and-half” ou draught aml scrves a inost «lelicious aud eool beverage, far superior lo “plain” beer. po 17 tf >b >1. Williams tho well-knowu Artistic Photographer is inaking » specialty of portraits on W atch Duls aml Silk Han«lkerchiefs. Oompleio sets of Lantern sli«les lectures ean be had at thegallerv. For tbey are sokl at a reasouable iiguro by tbe dozeu or by the hun«lred. * Ilaniwai BatlxHausE l'ho ut.der8’gaed having Lv.asEi> tbe «ell known Ilamwai I>\th Ho si; at Waikiki, hegs to 5rform '\u, that it will be run as a S:ricthj First-Class BATHING RES0RT. Sj>eciai accommod*l»one f >r L\dios «nd Cbildron. W. S. BAKTLEpT. Pn)prietor. i' s. Tram-cars p** 2 * tl,e P 1,|C * ooH IOU M.II.E slsAJ, l’LANTS frow Uw bem Im po>f1ed «»<» ,, «j«»c* «o »uit by ru-K. Tbo*r totv<T*««l 1» 10 . ehuuī»! «K>t !«*■ »hw oppoftuuiiy«t 13 tf Gusi. A. Mauer, IIAWAIIA* II07EL BARB£R lMdiei Shampooiug ū i}>ec%~ Honolulu. aug4