Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal I I i # A * — HAVX MOVKD TO — Morgan'S - Auctlon - Ro I for • *fcort Ukj«- W« u«stt!I «ilia Departure Bay C0 CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINPLINO W< tn ibj i Boll» leiephonea 414 » Pfonecr Shlrt Fact ESTABLISHED 1SS». A. M. MELLI8, Proprieto 5I> Furt St., Ilonoiula, (Up*tair») Go CONSOIJPATED SODA \VATEK (Limittep.) E S PI. AXA D E Cor. Allm an«l Fori Si«. : : Hon< II0LL1STEK * C0., A* I F0E SALE. A FTNE “ MIDNIGHT ” STAU colt beIonging to P. D. Isenberg. Th oan be seen at tbe PAXTEi£OX STJ from to-morrow. b The White Hous 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLAI Fir$-cia$ pi IX EVERY RESPECT. Rooms irom $1-50 to $3.00 per I or 50c, per DayI PAULLEMKI PROPRlEl Bell Telephone 132. au^ NOTICE TO VisitGrs. Pienie Parties. Lo? —AND — :; t GEXERAL PUBl.Ii At SMrTH's Bu* AXD LlVfi Stable, Kinu Stkeet. i [Adjoining Metropolitan Meat Murl j ls the Cheapest Plaee in Town yoa < ; Bosses, Wagonetie«, Buggies and l Horses. It will pay yoa to eall ai I before yoa try elsewhere, t Mutual TeIephone 408 angl-tf lee sung kei 49 KIXG STEEET, TIXSMITH, a>t> DEALER Di G * Crockery, Coal-Oil 3toves. Pofs—Plumbmg in Ali lu Bncches fully Execnted. JT i NOTICEDuring my absence frou country after the departure < “eWanie" for China Ch:n will have full charge of my ness and aifairs generally. Wailuka, SepL 24, L< Ah ( THOS. u X-..i līnwinl