Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 October 1894 — Laid to Rest. [ARTICLE]

Laid to Rest.

Tbe funeral of Dr. H G. McGrew was oae of tbe Urgest ev*r seen in Honolnln. T!ie eommnn;ty de.sire«l t«j piove tiieiresteem f r the bereaved parents and their friendship fur the «leparted yonng man. Tno Itererend Maekinioah otnciate«l aad Doctors R. McKibbin. C. B. Wood, F. L. Day. Geo. Herbert. C. P. Mvers und A. MoG8ttigan acted as pall bearers. Tho remains werc interred at tbe Kuaano Cemelerv, an«l aa nnspeakable . s a<lncs3 was fe!t wiien t!io pbycisiaus of liot«olulu bore tbeir yoang coile,igno to b:s grave. Tbe nnmerous and beaatifnl flowers sent by friends sbowe«l tbe siacere svmputhy whieh the community feels foi the berenve«l parents.