Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

pkional Inon Wo^ QU£KN Steeet, Between Alakea <fc Bichard Sls THE UN'I'ERSIGNED a-e j!reimred u> make nll kir.ds of Irou l?rass, Broazc, Zinc, Tin and Lead Casting«, Also Geueral Bepair Shop for Steam Eugi ues, Kiee Milla, Corn Milla, Waler Wheela, \Vind Milla, etc. Maohinea ior tbe C!eauing of Coflfee, Custor OiIs,.P>ean.s Kaiuie, Sisal, l*ineapple Leaves & otber Fibrons l’Iaui», And Paper Stock Also Maehinoo for Extractiag Starch froir tbe Manioe, Arrow Root, ete. AH Ordere promptIy atteuded to. .VHITE, RITMAN <f\ CO. Fred. Harrison. I C0NTRACT0R ANO ' BUILDER The Leading Biiilderi IX HONOLULU. j Kstimatos given on ali kinds of Brick. Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildings. Jobbing of all kinds. Baildicg Material ror Sale. 510 and 512 King Street. Kesidence Telephone,Bel! 227. P. O. Box 11. oc2-tf !Cong Branch -8ATHmGEstablishment. This Firsl-Ci3ss Batbing Resort has been enlarged and is now opeu to the puhlie, It is the best plaee on the islands to ecjor a Bath. and there »s no better olaee to !ar ofi. Special accommo(iitions for L\ - dies. Tramcars pass the door every balf hoar, and on Satuniays and Sundays every fifteen minutes. 1 C. J. SHEEWOOD, jy24 Froprietor.