Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

G01TSALVĒS A!Iw»t« Krrp* on H*p.d »J - -,; 7 of tb« Verr Best Pioneer Soap In e**»** of 4*, 30. ■;) »nj 7 Ba-< u TUW SOAP I? THF. Fmest Imported Ee:e, SPECIAL PRICE* F(_»R 3 CASE? LN LOTS, ■l.\\ A1\SL£Y .V CllfS Ce!ebrated Brands of SC0TCH WH1SKE1 Xamtly: BEX ALOOeiILAN’, Ainsley’s OLD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,X10X Extra, Specia 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIOUEl'K SCOTCU \VhISkEV irs THE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON Harry Klemme, Managei Cor. Nuuanu & Beretania sts. Honolulu, II. I. The House in Town. O. 1*. S. a Specialitv. LOHENOKIN LAOEK BEER Always on Draught. 2 GLASSES FOK 25 CENTS. Best of Wines, Lif/uors, and Ci*ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. iul tf CITY DRAYAGE CO. Stand: Queen and Fort White and BIack Sand. Draying Done at KeasonabIe Rate. W. F. SHAKRETT, M***0u. Wanted. TWO Unfarnished Hon.ses nf 6to 8 KOOMS eaeh. Enqnlr e ©1 /03 Fort Stre- e f t oelO medf:ros & eo. >Ier c hant Tailoi>‘ Am<> *-icaD, EnglLsh and Scotch Tweeda on han<J. Fiwtrcu*« work gnanu>t«ed. Hotel nnder ArIingtou H >tei B. Honolnlu. “ S S. D. CKEB, mon. peMMWm: pHUK eOKNEI» OF Nnuanu and BeretaniaStreeL-<r 561 r- Both Telepho\es:— s 561 GOOD, RELIABLE a.\d iv27 tf CIVIL DRIVERS. ¥ANTED. As Housekeeper or nurse By 9xperienced nurse jost from t faa l.S. will leave the Island t) nurse. Inquire at Holomi a OtiWociS 3tad .