Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

i KAMEHAMEHA GIRI-S _ • SCrfOOL. Ts* tLrsrt term of OilM 8eknl«iil lloaU» Novetubcr Apviic*tkci *or •dmĪ5s*oB ai*T be *ddrrss oil to K.v- t\>pe cī:faer tt Kaas«fai:a«fa» ili:. ii or Ui« IVpe. »ifl be in tfae H»tH' ii*n Kinder-£5.nen Koom, Qceen tmnu H*H. S»snni*T frotu >-12 wto« *fae vifl fae pieise>i to E«t »pfiic*cts. Tfa iniuoa is faftr .fōO.) • tc*t. Nc eppfaa»ato r«oMT«d cnder 12 re*w <rf *g*tOrt. 11-lm. CARD OF NOTICE, Scharf Ā* C x. has remove<l to Ari !ii n B!ock Hotel Street, wher'. they will be better able to servt .\nd p'.ease their Patrons. Will keep on hand all the Iatest | papers. B>x»k Stationery. Perio»IicaIs A Xnvelties, in all br.\nohes of the trade. se 14 tl P0R, SALE A Complete Hmxting Outfit. C>ue lrish Setter bitch of the best b!ood in America; registered in the A. K. S. L>. and partly broken. One i’ointer bitch by the eelebrated Glenbeigh that cost 21000 iu Englaud. □ Oue l’up five weeks old father and mother thoroaghbreeds. Oue Buckboard buiItesneniaMv I w fnr hnnting parposes. One 1*2 g‘*uga L. C. S:n th guu ias good as ne>v aml in fine order. • The above outfit will be sold eheup Enquire uf W. H. CUNNINGHAM. Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf POUXD MASTER’S XOTICE. Noiiee is bereby given to all persous, that • there is at the Govcmnient Ponnd at Ma1 kiki, one »trayed red tnare, branded KA | on the right hind leg, spot on the i forehead an l on the back. both hiud feet are shoded. 1 white st illiou brandcd indiscribable. Any person or persons o\vned this maie are requesteil to eome aud take the sameon or before the dnv of sale, 12 o’oloek uoon OCT. 27, 1>W. Wll. KAAPA, Pound Master. Oct 18-lw. * BEDS of W0VEN WIRE! Tiie Liixiiry « OF THE I9th Century A Mj@t£r|ons Tale, Did anybody ever hear how thc hanana »i> grown. !Iow the milk got in the eoeoanul; w m»nzo se«d was sown; From whenee Ihe nat!ves eame to people fair land. * And when they died, wbere thcv aU wcnt, fa*ppy dosky band? These £»cts arc a.*l mvsteriou», and no Uon get, And tbere’s otfarr mvsteries qnlte as d whieh are not fatbōmcd yet: "ho was it rmn tfae opiom rinz, eot in liquor free. How wa» lt Custom* men were blind dei Uves cooid'nt see» \Vfaose roimr to be tbe Tammanv Kini tfai» mo«j*pions lown, Who’U *tart tfae Show, to whom «>>«li w« plank tbc "nc«dfal” down; Wno will be Boas. and ma tfae firm, i wUl Ihe Buekter be, To dolt on tfae frfaco plan of tfae Oi KepuhUe frc«? One Ihln? w« know tfaat BAILET*S BE are m«de of WOVEN WIKE, Tfaey zive a* eomfort, peaee and rest, and aU ;hat we desire; He lake* Bo part in poUtks, bat doc* be*t he eaa. T ° fcnJ *fa»t fav‘a WOt EN WIRE MAN !j W0VEN WiRE BAILEY, Manufaciurer Of WOVEN W/RE Beds, HotrI Stroct, Hooolala, (o«zt duor to Horn’s Sleam B.tkery.) Soli cy ilil RBspsctatiIa D2al=rs. aog 14-lm