Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


8aas Soaci forever. Hazel Kirke toaigbt Wbo Jo«t ber lemper and so<ne tbing else ? ho got ehewmp g ūt Q j n hi* nair last evcniog ?

TU V. W. e. T. C. tlli , !. | ** tern °oo It is a tlry mecting: Loais Belmoar «III p U v bi s st®r part Pitticos Green tonight. I "bo was rescaeJ by a loeal Florence Nighlingale at Wuikiki ? Klemme is the imlependeut can<Iidate, and be will be elected. I Tbe Healania will bold au irnportant raeeting tomorrow night. { riie Cnnningham caso is beiog | heard by Judgo Porry tbis afler- j noon.

lbo Board of Managers of the Hnmane Society holil a meetiug j this afternoon. | — E. Goeriug, formerly in the emp!oy of Hoffschlaeger & Co. has left tho country. Buy Goilfrey’s directory and learn who the *‘8enatorial” voters nnder the republic are. Tho Young street ‘'huggmg” has beea abaudoued or traus ferred to moro genial places.

Tlie "lopieal” verses iu Saturday uight s plny, will be bright to tho poiut but uot personal. A most eujoyable luueh was had at the Pali yesterday by a nuiuber of promiuout tourists. Mr. DoIo is going over laud to Kohala. He may roturn in the m*xt Kiuau and he ma\’ uot. Probably not ! Yes tho literary aud eloeulion ary studeut skould eudeavor to hold Dailey aiul seoure his tuloutcd wifo. The Portuguese who have rogistorcd will cast thc*> votes for H. Klemme. They havo no \ use for mis8iouurios. The Hawaiiau Carriage Manufactnriug Co. hus a new advertisement iu this issue. People owning carriagcs ean read it with advantage. Tlie Cloveland bicyclo is tho proper wheel for ladies. H. E. Walkor is the ageut and tho girls who aro not afraid of wearing bloomers shon!d eall on hiiu ■ without delay. Godfrey’s eleoton»l directory is ont aud is for sale at all the uews storcs. Only a limited uumbcr of copies have beou j printed.