Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

September 1<, 1S1>4 If we remember correctly the . ‘*Charleston'* was the first of tne | “White Sqaadron ' to visit Honolula. Her arrival on her secon<l eniiae is stsll in the mi:ids of i>eople who were here on January •29. 1891. When with fi:gs at half-mast aud yards cook-bnilt entered port with the body of King Kalakaua. the k:nd atteutior.s shown by the officers to the King duri g the voyage to the United States aiul the. a'j most sacred m*nn r iu whieh the bo«lv \vas gnardcd wh le be;ng borne io the Islands, eudcared the “Charleston” to the people of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the power of the people, tjeir appreciation was shown to the officers during tbeir stay and when sailed they left graven on t iblets of love and cnemory, evidences of their Aloha for Ha- ‘ wa.i. Few, if any. of the officers who were here theu are on tbe vessel now; some bave reached the age of retiremeut and others have gone to other vessels but the Cbarlest§n is still green iu tbe heait of tha Hawaiians. Have you ever used a Pansy Stove? We have !boen selling them for four or five years and to day they wear the “Yellow Coat” in tho empire of stoves. Thev are recognized bv ev.-rv j o ■ • one, eveu dealers in other stoves, as a superior artiole aud one whieh they do not care to run up against. 0f course st>ves may be bougbt from people who are uot dealers. W e have people rnnning bere every day or two for fire bricks and parts belonging to stoves tbey have bought from other parties, and whan thcy fiud they cannot get them tliev discard their stoves and buy a “Pansy.” You see there is a disadvantage in buying dear things at low prices. Come to us and get a Pansy nt $15 00 and you get full value for your money. You don’t get a 875.00 range for fifteeu doll:ws, mind vou, but you get a first class stove that is worth Thirty dollars to auy one i Our Eeady Mited Paiuts aro suited to the wauts of ueople who have a little paintiug tbey want to do tberaselves. The advantage in buying a prep;ired paint is that you have the benefit of the best mixtM-s iu the United Stites without having to pay for it. The paint is ready for use idirectly yon take the top off tho ? ean aud if you don’t find it eheap jer aud botter tbau anv yon ean : mix vourself we are mistaken in ! our experience - In California the iainters are us;ng tho prepared article in preferouco to boying lead and oils becuise they find it to their advantage to do so. We believe it is only a question of time when the painters here will fall into line. Hanging lam] 3 are in as great demaud now as ever. People seem to want something for lighting porposes that will give as good light as the sun—tbey fiud it in the Iamps we are giving away. Our eheap stand lamps are an excellent thing for a servants’ room aud wiil find a ready sale in the Island stores. We ean supply any demand. for a ?ingle lamp or for a thonsand. There's Iots of Hawaiians whose Kuleanas need fencingl and we have the wire with whieh to do it We havealso the ma-i teriai for building a fence tbat will last nntil long after the milj leninm. Instead of paying a ■ high price for posts, or eren get- : ting them for tLe cntticg. your fence will cost 3’oa less money if you bny steel stays and wasbers and make a Joncs Locked fence. We hive eTer> thing you want; in the hardware and honse far|nisuing goods line you wish.| And we court investig»tion as to their qnalitv and prioes. Tle Hamai Hirivart Ce, 307 ForiS4i«et