Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MORr, AG F,E> NOTICE 0F IXTEN~ T0 FORECIX>SE AXD OF SAL1 Notay i* bertbr giren th*t pamie po»er of uk eoaUta*j la » wrt*iD g»ge <iated Septea»ber 1»t, A. D. ISK, br GEUBGE NAHAUA »ai MA1 GEOBGE b:s wile. o< KooolaHi, Lii 'Hha, M*h« Kihai, Uteofsaid Hoi dece*sf<i rvcori*.l in th« offioe <A the 1 tnr oX C)BTfT»ai«. in L*ber foik 2-3 J. A.Camm:u, Adiuiais:r»B:.r WiD anoexevi ot tte Will ot the s*id K»Eu, deoeased. inlen;i» to for»cUM m 3rtgmge for » breach of the coa fati nid mong»ge «muine-l to wit: thi potTm«nt ot both tbe pnneip»! &nd ii whea dae. Notice iā »Uo herebr gjTea th»t • singnUr the Usd». te&exne&t9 »ad hei ment» in s»ui mortg»ee eont»i&ed tc »cnbed. will be sokl »t Pnblic Aneū the Aucticn room of Le»is J. Levi Qneen Street, in s»id Hoaolaia^en WEDNESDAV,fbe 14 DAY of N0VE3 A. D. 1S!M, at 12 o'eloek a*>jacfs»i; The property in s»id mortgsge u described, Tii : * That eenain pieee of Ltad sita»te ir oa, Honolaln, »fores»id. »nd »lso th» uin pieee of Und ātn»te at Anwak H noluin aforesaitL described in I’»tent 17S9, L»nd Commissioa Awani to M»kaioaIa,conTeyed tc Umanma o] Umauma bis father, by deeil recori L:ber 30 j>. 296-7. and by s»id Um,inri to Georpe Nakiana by dee<l re«orded in 136 p 0 :f*7-S. Term eaah in U. S. Gold Uoin. De eipenae ol purchaser. For further pirtical»rs. app!y t< K. Kaulia and Enoeh Johnson. Atk for the Administrator with the Will an of the \V iU of Malie Kahai. deceased. gagee. J. A. CUMMI Admiuistrator with the Will annextd WUl of Malie Kahai. docea.sed, gage«Dated Honoluln. Oct. 24. 1S94. 3wk Cifljuifc Court Cii*cai the [lawaiiai] l£land£ IN PR0BATE. Iu ihe m;itter of tbe F,!-tafe of Hen MctiREw late of Honolulu, Oahu dev' inte»ute. Os Keahino and Filiug tne Petlt Al.niONSiNE McGrew of San FrancUci allepinp thaf Henki G. McGkew of Hoi dled intestate »t Honolulu, on the 22 e Ocfober, A. D. 1SS44, and pra_ving lhat I '■><Adniiuistration issue to JosEi*u 0. C. Sk 1t is ordered that Frida.v the 23 e Norember, A. 1). al 10 o’eloek a. aud hereby is apj>oiuted for hearinj Petition. iu the Court Koom of the Co Honolulu, at whieh timc and pUee al sons concerned iuay appear and show if any they have, why said Petitou shou be gr»utcd. Datc Honolulu. II. I. Oct. 24, A. D. 1 Bv thc Court, George Lcc»s, Clcrk. oct23E. M. NAKUINA Commissioner of Private Ways NVater Rights, District of Honolulu. NOTARY PUBLIC AGENT s to GHANT MAKKI.U'.E LICE! Omei, 8<>S Merchant Street. IiOST. ASOLITARY DlAMOND STUD driving betwecu Sans Souci an l the Theparty who will reiuru the same, v lil>erallv rewarded. Call nt Ham Hotel. * Al. H. HALLET1 P01JND MASTEK NOTICE. Notice i* hcrebygiven to all persoi thcre are at tho Government Pouud at ki on Oct. »2:?, 1SW. 1 white marc. whieh is not branded. 1 red stal!ion branded P. on lbe lcft leg, with a whlte spot on the b«ck. 1 red horse brandcd — on Uie richt hi with a white*pot on the forehead. Any p»crson or pcrson» owniug these als are reque*to<l to eome and take thc on or beforc 12 o’eloek noon, Dec. 3ri W KAA Ponnd \ LEWIS & C0.. Whoiesaie snd Retaii Groc< AND PKOVISION DEALER.' > FRESH CAUFORNIA SALM0N 0 By Erery S»u Fi»ncisco Steame Salt Salmox in Barrels a Specialtv iii Fort Sf., Honolulu. Tel p * O. Box 297. 3»OTlCE. ■ - * ♦K.IUan