Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


— ! f.et on tn tbe *t«»m Uooeh * _ The K.nan left tbU aften.oooTLf I ac.fic ueelmen mect j tonight. The ete (mers hav e left— Yonog street .s qniet. ILe Arawa made her last eall at Honolal today. rhe “temper” vas Jocnd and the reward paid. i hore was a tripplo wedding at 'Vaikiki last night. Judge Cooper and Port-Sar-veyor Sanders are iu tovrn. Who Īb the actor who had his “part” in his hat aud not iu his head ? A11 friends of the Scottish ihistle Club will be there to—night. Mr. Kauka WilJer aud Mrs. Wilder returned resterday Ln the i Monowai. rbere wiil be nne iudependent man in the “House.” That’s Klemme! fho Monowni arrivod at threo o eloek yesterday afternoon, an l left at ten p. in. ll.o “electoraf’ directorv of i trauk Godfroy is out uml copies bell l.ke hot eake. ll.e Arawa arrived last evening fiom llritisl. Colntnbin and left i for Sydney at *2 p. m. Mr. J. Leo uf tho Volcauo ! Mouso left in tl.e Kiuau after a brief staj- in Honolulu. Mrs. Thirds Iectures touight. She has Jropped “morality” and is now on to “occultism!” • Mr. aml Mrs. Hires, Mr. Terry, Mr. Keyworth and Mr. liell left 1 in tl.e Monowai. Young Stroet, I is empty! Mr. und Mrs. T. li. Walker returuud in the Ara\vj»last nigbt, aud wero we!comed homo by their many frieuds. A mimber of workingmen arrived in tho Arawa. They will be engaged on the Oahu Eailroad Company’s uew line. C. K. Bisbop is vieo-presideut of tbo Bank of Califoruia. The old man can't stay away from the pa wn- brokor businoss. Six stowayas wero caught on boanl tho Monowai. What thoy want iu this missiouary-ridden couutry is a conuudrum. G. Schuman st«tes that the horse belonging to him and killed by tha H. S. was coudomna<.i by himsalf, but had uo glanders. Among tho many passengers for this port in tl»o Monowai aro MesJamos Tenuoy. Kitchon. Noonan and Lothrop audMiss M. Alkiuaon. The president of the Humane Society has resistovl an attompt of a c«-rtain clique to removo Mr. Groeu the agont. The ppesidont won the day. Charles McCartby. tho popular pr>'prietor of ihe Critorion. had an incroase in his stock this morn-ing-lt is daughtor again and she is No. 4 When doesthat boy eome? — The Chrt>nici€ writer most be a lineal doscondent of Annamaa and Baron Muocbansden.HiastoiT aboct the n«val fighl ahowa that his familiarity with provarication is boroditarv. Tba ‘ miaaionan’’ paper* op* poae Mr, H. Klem»e. Show Ihem tbat tho family compact cannot “nm*’ Uiia country and drop thrae votea eaeh for the p*opl*‘« canviidate.