Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — A Pleasing Drama. [ARTICLE]

A Pleasing Drama.

“Il&iei Kirke' waa gr«eted j ewnīng by»« !s-g- an-.l fa*bioa*ble aoUīeoe? *cJ tbe play wu pre»eote<l iu • Duna*r tbat jajjtīfie*i their patrouage aud gre*tly aJv.njceU the opīmou of the entire aa<lifoce witb members. wbo beretofore Lare uot beeo seeo to gre«t aJrjinUge aaj ;t was gratīfyīng to bare Iateat eoone cot so aJmir*biv. • : M;ss Da!gieiāb Hazel was winsom, Ioveable anJ st tituesex-j ceedingly forcib!e. Mr. Hallett wa« p<iinsUkiog. and e >nscient tious aud again lost his id-nt ty as Danston Kirke Mr. Snow s ' |CarringforJ seemed a trifle nncertiin at times bat it wa.-, a feeliog reoJition of a tbanrless cbaracter. Mr. Belmoar shone out bnghtly asPittaeos Green auJ rnaJe tbe most of bis opportonity to cnlist admirers z V.s Lady Carringfunl and Mercy K irko. Mrs. Belmour was excellem anJ Molhe Stockmeyer was ehie kuxd vivacious as Dolly Dut too. i.Ier sj)€ciulity w«s warmly oncore(T- The play was enjoyeJ throughont auJ repeatedly encoreJ. Savnrday evening tbey p!*y "Caprice or “Only & eountrv Girl’’ iuterspersed with solos Juets, topical hits anJ dancing.