Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Band Concert. [ARTICLE]

Band Concert.

PART 1. The HAwaiian banJ will pl»)* at the Hotel tonight The followiag i» the programme 1. M»rch — * ManhalUn Ueaeh'* Soosa 2. OTertore —"Esmeral<l» Henuau 3. Coruet Solo — ‘* Flower ! ’ —BoIHusod Mr. Charles Kreoter, i, Selection —* * Pinalore’ r .. ( Sullivan PART II. 5. MeJley — “Mosic*l Re6. 8chotti*che — * Giddy Girl« Berger 7. F«nU*ia —**Forgeinthe Foreet” Miehaela 8. WaiU — “ Lot©'4 Uld Sweet Song” Bncalossi Hawaii Ponoi.”