Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

UK Solr:nua OCT. 2i, 1894. ? 2» 30 31 •» PORT. Kiru VBVEI/.' HBV s H«ciBth.MaT, EM>|QiBuali nnnuniin. , t i . F.r.»n. X«rwo»«tle, SS1 .. .W H I>:i >n<l. Nil*»n, 6F. v r Aloh». Oabei, S*nFranci uim,C(n l iA < r Hotl<lU‘tt<*, S F. .. ‘ i >akL<n<l. piKi I*.' vrj»EWMrem : p„ nl/’K/m... Ij»v<»n Id.... ' ; i ■ kir,<r.Vokohani«. . ... I/iPIU \ (i. Aj >•»• 0«>k... I*t Toirniioiid( ■ :.u P| T..wns*-nJ.C v ).k F-l-in..re N* wc»t<Ue.,..C K(*Mdt c 1.’ Liverpool <1 , wbr 1 \* Knn-k» (J Ht« l<k Mhuhh A)a .Newca«Ue.. N< « . rl’ ril*n....Nfw<TUrtJe.. .Ni . . <»Univor.. Newca«tle. ..X i„ r l k i«ol Iwnberf;. Hremcn....D ... l.irerpool... .Ji FORII<.* ’UIL M'RVI(T, Mean'iHhipa wiH leave for and a lnjni S«n Franc:BOo and other fc p on <>r abont the fuIlowing d lill thc c!ose of 1894. Lr*vr IIonolcix Dce ht Hono uuroaoo.|Fl(. 8an Fka> OK Va> ocver. or Vancocvi Ti.o l’aulhoon Snloon is <lej ot for the celebrated En j>rl-i B cr, where it ean alwayi fo .ml e >ol aml fn sh on tap. <io u>t deal in ' Fitderickeh Berr” as the roorning Pap< lt.rn!gli sornc mistake has ad< ('all at the PantheOD re-freshing drink. JIM DODD, Proprietor. lalk about braying assc3. 1 V vnis full of thein. Mc6ray tlnskoy is only to be fouud Emj)iro Saloon. Aud w it’s fouml it stays. Ku. llc<]na of theEtupire Sal Las made a now deal whieh touoh tho hearts, or at least j alat. s of manv a thirsty wam er. Ho koejis •‘half-and-ln ou ilraught aml sorves a iuost licious aml eool beverage, •superior to “jilaia” beor. eo 17 tf J. J. Williaros the well-km Artistic rhotograj)her is mak » >j'Ocialty of j»ortraits on Wa Dials and Silk Handkerchi Completo sets of Lantern sli loctures ean be had at the galh 1 or thcy aro sold at a reasout figuro by the dozeu or by hnndrod. * Ilaniwai Bath Hūus i'iie ui.ders g.ied having Le/ th? well knewn IlaMwai B Jio sk at Waikiki, begs to ipi v u that it will be r«n as i Strictly First-Class BATHiNG RCS0i WP- Sjeci*l «ee maicdtliont