Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

TC c e IIiT’SATOSSl i Sometiiaes where to go to chase anv particalar arti'Ie not if yon happen to thing in the line of Jbtista' 5uppHes, P:cture pjai or enlargeil portraits, thor but ono plaoe iu Honolule pnrchase ail muterials, aml t! KING BROS. ’ Store, for w there is no rival on t Islands. The tiuest paiutiugs iu H;n are on exhibition in this gall Tho hrm makea a special eularging portraits as wel making pictnre frames in very latest styles of mouldiu<j In the sheet pictures. have thousamls to select fioi whieh tbey invite au inspec at any time. Ivixc; BHOS Hotel Street, : : : H >uo aug. ‘25-lmdiy. JUST ARRIVE **» BiBV - CARBIAGE OF Al.L STYLES, 3 3 n I ( : i I % LN THE LATEST PATTERNS, ‘SHOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHIN 1IaXD SeWINQ MAChlSZ8, iarAU Witl» Uie L*te»t Ia»pn»Ten>eut PAKLOK )poans, Quitai Aai Otber Maaeal In.stramenlr \Vines, Linuois, Ba $ ALWAYS os hasd. asd FOK SAlJt BY EO. HOFFSCHLiEGEB k Km»; SC. oppo. C**Ue k Oooka'* 290 Ring Up 2* United