Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

INSriRAN T CE,-a fire and mapine 1H£ UNDERSIOXED AUTHORIZED T0 TAKE FIRE and MARINE RISKS ON Buildinp5, Merchandise, Hulls- Careroes, ITroi<?hts and Commiasions At CuiTent Kates. in the Follow iug Cos. xamely: ROYAI. INSURANCE COMPANY, MVKRPOOL, ALMANCE ASSURANCE FIRE k MARINK. LONUON, WILHELMA 0F MADGEBURG ©ENEKAL 1NSURANCE CO. SUN INSURANCE COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO. .J. WAI -KER, Agtnt Ior the Hawaiian Islands. 0RDW4¥ & POEĪEE, Robinson Block, Holel St., heiween Fori and Nuuanu, Have Just Receiv(d, rer Iate Aimale. tbe i tigest Stock of FUR NITURE Ever ImpOrted to this Country. Comprising Hndsome Carved Bedroom Sets ln Solitlj30ali, and ot\he LA TES ESPECIAL ATTEXTION IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WICKBR WARE, Beautiful Designs of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CUAIRS. ROCKERS, etc.,vou ean get these iu nny FIN1S1I you desire. CHAIRS, Coantless numbers of CHAIRS, in everv style, including 0FF1CE and HIGH CHAIRS. EHTE1TSIQ3ST TABLES, We have had n numher of calls for tbose Tahles, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL OiNINŪ ROOM FURNITURE £VER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers va isr . Divans covered with P0RT1EES are becomiug quite the rage in plueo of LOUNGES—wo manufacture them to order, and Lave a laigo stock of PORTIERS to select from. BEDDIITGGreat Assortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool aud Straw Mattresses ou hand and made to order. 11VE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS fur Pillows. CRIBS, CRADLES, etc. WlNDOW !SHADES of all colors aud sizes. C0RNICE POLES, in wock! or br.iss trimmiugs. B HP.A. IEI1TG-. Muttrosses, Louuges and all Upholstered Furuiture repaired at rcasonahlo rutes. CABINET MAKINO, in all its hranches, hy Competent Workmen. M VTTTNG L.\1I* and Interior Decorating under the Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are First Class, and our prices are the lowest Come an d he conviuced —a trial is solicited. Bell 5’2ō. telephoxes: Mntuai G4ō. ORDWAY & PORTER, Robinson Block, between Fort and Nnnanu Tklkpuoxes: Bell 351 Mulual 417 Kesiden\e: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F„ B. THOMAS, L C0NTRAGT0R and BUILDER Estimat©s Qiven on AAl Ivinds or BH, H, ST0NE 4 WOOŪĒN KUIIIMK AU Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade # Attended to. KEEP8 FOR S^JL.Es £ncK, Lime, Cement. Iron Stone Pipe and Fitting8, 01d & New Gorrugated Iron, Minton Tilee, Qnarry Tilee, assorted sizes and colore; C*lifornia and Monterey Sand, Granite Corbing and Blocks, etc., etc. i Corner King 6i Smith Sts. QFFICE a YARD: i OSce Hours. ato xa M., i >to 4 PM.