Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BRUCE CARTWRICHT LWim» of • Flducjirj Nilan Tr»rii>rr»H ! pKiiapi «tteataoo gST«& to tk« ' of E»uurc. Gn«riuaship«. Trams. «tc.. rtc., ete, Orjwt* f : C<Li\rri>jht Buildtntj, Merchsut Str»et. Honolnln H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters ANI) Provision Mercliants 98.Fort Sireot. - Houulalo Fiiiniiics, PI;iut ktions ;iu I Ships suj>plie l witb cboicest Kumpean Amenean GVormV;« California ProJuce bv EvenSteamer. Merchaut Exchange Corner King ana Nunann StreeU. S. I. SHAW Proprielor. The Fiuest se!ection of LIQUORS aml EEKK, sold anyvhere in the town. First-class atu-mlnnce. Call aud Judge for yourself. no 113—tf. [\īafcionaI lrcn Won^ QC£EN Stueet, Bet\veen Alakea & Ricbard Sts, TME UNl>ERSIGNED are prepare.l to niake rdl kinds of Irou Bras8, Broaze. Zinc, Tiu and l.ead Castmga, AliO Oeneml Rejvur Shop for Steam Engines. Rice Ctiru Milla, Water Wheels, \Vind Milla, etc. Maehiuea for the Cleaniag of Coffec, Castor OiIs,.Beans, Kamie, Sisal, I’iueapple Leaves & other Fibroas riants, And Paper Stock AL>o Maehineii for E3traeting Starch fram the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. LV All Orders promptly attended to. WHITE. RITMAN CO. Per S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast CAMAEINOS Refrigeratqr Contain a Full Supply of lee House, eueh as Fn>xeii Oyatera, Cmbs, Fresh Salmon, Canlitiower Celery, Muscat Grajx's, Peaehea, Anricots Mectarines. Ja{\anese PIunis Tokay Gra}X’s, Gennaa Prunos Crawfoni Pcaehes, Silver Prunes H*>so Poru Grapos, Rartlott Pear?, Sik!e Pears, Etc. Califomia Fruit Market. Mutuai TeL 378 lt CALIFORNIA * Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. IJOBBERS OF I WHSTES, and ! $PIRITS